#35 Sunset

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"I have to say, I didn't expect you to be so proficient and coordinated. However I am glad that you are, because that means we don't need to train you in anything particular for the exams and we can go on missions to get you some more experience." Hinata said, although both senseis didn't miss the slight fall of the trio's expression at the mention of a mission.

"Did you ever talk about him?" Naruto asked, his usual happy voice soft and silent.

The trio looked at each other, shaking their heads.

"It gets better if you talk about him. You don't have to talk with us, but talk. The memories won't disappear but you will have to learn to deal with them." Hinata stated, earning a nod from the three genin. Seeing the thoughtful looks on their faces Naruto stood up, helping his girlfriend up.

"We will meet tomorrow morning at sunrise at the gates."

With that the three genin were alone on the training ground.

"Are you sure, they are ready?" Onoki asked, as Naruto and Hinata stood before him.

"Yes, they are." Naruto simply stated with a smile on his face. Onoki sighed, nodding as he went through some scrolls.

"Well I do have a mission for your team if you think they are ready for it." The kage made a short pause to see if the two teens in front of him wanted to disagree.

"The Earth Daimyo is travelling from his palace to do business in the lands of fire and wind. His samurai bodyguard has requested a tail." Naruto took the scroll that the old man held out to him. Nodding briefly he put it in his pocket.

"Anything we have to know?" Hinata asked, hoping that the tsuchikage had some kind of intel on the possible dangers.

"No, the bandits have been behaving as usual, there is nothing to suggest any kind increase in the threat." Onoki replied, earning a nod from the two jonin, who bowed slightly and disappeared in a shushin.

Sitting on the roof of their appartement, Naruto and Hinata read the scroll, memorizing the details of the mission. They had to meet the daimyo at sunrise in his palace, so their plan to meet up with the genin at sunrise was cancelled.

"Are you packing, I'll tell the girls?" Naruto offered, earning a nod from the purple haired girl next to him. A quick kiss and Naruto disappeared in a flash. Leaving Hinata to climb back down into their bedroom and start looking for the stuff they would need.

Lia was crying softly as Yeji and Ryujin comforted her. The death of their sensei had hit the redhead the most, since she had no one apart from her team. All three had to admit that it felt good to talk about him, even the two sisters hadn't done that, fearing to break down.

"It'll get better, I promise." A sudden voice came from behind them. Startled, the trio reached for their weapons as they spun around. Naruto raised his hands with a smile, seeing the girls relax again.

"There has been a change. We will be going on a long term mission, we start at sunset today. Pack only the necessities. We will give you the details when we head out." The blonde boy said. Yeji nodded, making Naruto smile. He turned around and walked away, before he stopped hearing his name being called.

"What kind of mission is it?" The leader of the trio asked.

"It's an escort support. Don't worry about it, just pack your usual long term stuff." Naruto answered with a smile, earning another nod.

"It is a beautiful sunset from up here." Hinata mumbled as she watched the sun make its way over the horizon from the top of Iwa's gates. Naruto sitting next to her, an arm around her shoulder.

"Yes it is." Came a voice from her other side. Akira laughed at the surprised looks from Hinata and Naruto.

"Heard you were going out. Good luck and stay safe." The Anbu said with a smile and a pat on their shoulders. The three saw Lia walk up to the gate followed by the sisters. Akira nodded and disappeared again as Naruto and Hinata stood up and jumped down to greet their team.

"Now let's get this show on the road." Naruto declared as they walked out of the gate.

"So, what is the mission about?" Lia asked as they walked.

"The Daimyo's guards have asked for help on their travels. They start at sunrise tomorrow. We will have to talk with the head of his samurai, but I think that it would be good for you three to be with the guards, while me and Naruto stay hidden until you need us. We will only stay on duty between the stop, meaning when we reach a settlement we are off duty until the Daimyo leaves again." Hinata explained

"Sounds like a good plan." Yeji stated.

"Yeji, if it works out how we want it to, you will take point in this and coordinate the squad with the samurai guards." Naruto instructed, earning a surprised look from the genin. The younger of the two sister caught herself quickly and nodded.

"Why don't you lead us?" Ryujin asked after a few seconds.

"Because we want you to get more experience. Also, we don't know enough about your abilities to put you in the right positions in the defense. I trust that Yeji knows you a bit better than we do. Lastly if the person in charge is present it is easier to coordinate quick changes than it would be if Hinata or I were in charge." Naruto explained a smile on his face.

"There could be another reason, because in the eyes of the samurai it won't matter who is in charge since we all are only teens." Yeji commented, a laugh escaping Hinata's lips.

"Yeah, that could become a problem." The girl stated with a sigh.

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