#31 Border Patrol

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Arriving at the meeting point Naruto and Hinata looked at the sun and saw that they were early. They jumped into the crown of a nearby tree and waited for the other team to show up.

After an hour a team of three appeared at the street, obviously waiting for the pair to take their place. Smiling Naruto raised his hand to wake Hinata, who had rested her head on his shoulder and had her eyes closed.

"I know." She whispered before he could poke her in the sides. Opening her eyes she grinned at her boyfriend before they jumped down onto the street.

The team in front of them went into a defensive stance since they didn't recognise them but lowered their weapons after seeing the forehead protectors the two wore.

"Are you our replacements?" The guy in the middle asked carefully, his kunai still in hand.

Naruto only nodded with a smile.

"Why don't we know you?" The one on the right continued asking.

"We were only promoted to jonin yesterday." Hinata answered.

"Ah, you are the two that went to Konoha to show that you are worthy of being a jonin." The woman on the left said with a smile.

"Let me congratulate you on the obvious achieving of that goal." She continued as her teammates smiled too.

"Thank you." The two new jonin replied, with a short bow.

"Alright, we won't hinder you any longer, we want to get back home. Have fun." The man in the middle, apparently the leader of their squad, spoke. A short wave from the three and they were off back to Iwa.

"Well let's set up camp somewhere." Hinata suggested as the two shinobi went into the forest.

After a few minutes of searching they had found a small clearing where they could easily set up their tent. Smiling at each other Hinata kept her Byakugan activated scanning the area around the southern border while her partner quickly set up the tent. It was moments like these when Hinata was glad that Itachi and Kurama had insisted on her increasing the range of her doujutsu through training. She was easily able to survey the whole area without having to strain herself too much. A few minutes later Naruto joined the purple haired jonin on the branch she was sitting on, putting an arm around her and pulling her close to himself.

"What do you think about Anbu?" He asked as they watched the sun make its way over the horizon.

"I don't know. I mean it is an honor that we are recommended but we had said that we wanted to settle down to get away from all the hiding and the assassination attempts. I think that joining the Anbu would bring us closer to the things we wanted to escape." Hinata reasoned, earning a thoughtful nod from the blonde.

"I guess you are right." Naruto replied, a small smile forming on both faces.

"Of course I am." The girl stated with a wink. Laughing Naruto playfully pushed her a bit away from him, before pulling her back in and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Alright, then we can give Onoki his answer when we get back." Hinata said as she smiled, adjusting Naruto's face so the next kiss was placed on her lips.

"Yeah." Naruto mumbled into the kiss.

The moon stood over the forest as Naruto awoke from his quick power nap. Slowly stepping out of the tent he saw Hinata still sitting on the branch, watching over the forest with focused eyes. He knew that look on her face, she had seen something and wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

"Where?" He only asked, causing her to point towards the western end of their border.

"How many?"

"I don't know, there are seven signatures. Four of them came from Iwa but they seem to be talking to the other three. I don't know what is happening there." Hinata relayed what she saw.

"We have to check it out." Naruto stated, as he took a food pill out of a pocket and tossed it to his girlfriend, who nodded before swallowing it.

They took off into the distance, leaving their tent behind, as well as a clone Hinata had made to keep watch over the border while they checked on the group that had peaked their interest.

Naruto and Hinata were halfway there when they saw two explosions in the sky. It was the predetermined signal that someone from Iwa was in distress so the pair sped up again and went full speed towards the apparent battle.

The narrow street that led through the forest was littered with kunai and senbon when Naruto and Hinata arrived, there were a few craters from some high powered jutsu but there was no sign of anyone on the battlefield. Following the path of destruction the two jonin ran towards the sound of more kunai being deflected and jutsus being cast.

The sight in front of them was horrifying. Apparently a group of rogue nin had attacked a jonin and his genin squad as they left for a mission. The genin were bleeding and crying, as the jonin did his best to defend them from the three attackers. However, he also was bleeding and it was obvious that he was simply holding on for the sake of the three kids behind him.

"Go help them." Naruto said to Hinata as he took out his short sword and an orange flash cut through the battlefield.

The kunai that were headed towards the jonin fell to the ground as Naruto righted himself. The three shinobi in front of him stared like they had seen a ghost and with the orange and white cloak and hiraishin they most likely thought of Naruto's father, so in a sense they really did see a ghost.

"You have done enough, my partner will help you." Naruto said over his shoulder, causing the jonin to release a sigh, just before he collapsed. Hinata immediately went over to him and dragged him back to his genin after doing a quick check up to see what was wrong.

"Alright, now to you." 

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