Christmas pt1

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Peter woke up and checked the time, 10:42pm. That wasn't unusual as it was the Christmas holidays, but what did catch his eyes was the date. 24th. The 24th of December. Christmas Eve! Peter bounced out of bed. He had to much to do! Wrap the last gifts, put them under the tree, drop gifts of at Ned and MJ's houses, prepare their annual Christmas sleepover (when all the avengers sleep in the same room so they can wake up together), prepare dinner! 

He rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a cookie from a fresh batch on the counter. He started to write things down on the scrap peace of paper, 

List of things to do today:

1. Wrap left over gifts

2. Put them under tree

3. Drop gifts to Ned and MJ 

4. Prepare sleepover room

5. Made suit Christmas-y 

6. Go on quick patrol 

7. Make the team go carolling with you

8. Swing by children's hospital say 'merry Christmas'

9. Prepare dinner

10. Watch movie 

And with that he rushed out the room engorging the stares the team gave him. After showering and putting on clothes with his Christmas jumper on top, he set of to find the wrapping paper. It toke him 45 minutes to finish wrapping the gifts, he went to stand up but failed to realise he had a dead leg. He toppled over nearly crushing some gifts but he managed to save him self by shooting a web at the celling, after making sure FRIDAY deleted the footage of him, he then carried (with difficulty) the gifts into the living room.

Two tasks down! Now he grabbed a bag and stuffed the gifts for Ned and MJ inside. Feeling like he wanted to walk but with how much he had to do and such little tim, he settled on cycling to drop then off. 

"Hey Ned! Merry Christmas!" Peter said after Ned opened his door. 

"Hey Pete! Merry Christmas to you to bud!". After Peter gave him his gift and Ned gave him his they had a quick convocation then he set of to MJ's apartment. 

"Hey MJ! Merry Christmas!" Peter said holding out his gift when MJ opened the door. 

"Hey loser. Merry Christmas! Wait here i got something for you to." She said before quickly turning away into her apartment to find his gift. She came back with a flat square sapped parcel. They swapped gifts, had small conversation, said good byes and then Peter left. Making his way back to the tower he planned which room they would sleep in.

When he arrived in the penthouse everyone just started at him. "Pete where have you been?" Steve says from the couch. "Oh yea sorry, i was dropping of gifts at Ned and MJ's houses." Peter says while walking over to the tree and puts his gifts down. Steve nods then goes back to reading  a book Peters been bugging for him to read (Harry Potter). 

While trying to decide where they were going to sleep tonight he ran into Nat. "эй маленький паук. о чем ты думаешь?" she asked (hey little spider. What you thinking about?

"эй мама паук. Я не знаю, где мы собираемся переночевать сегодня вечером. например, какая комната достаточно большая, чтобы вместить всех нас. и кто захочет отдать ради этого свое место?" he asks sighing, (hey mama spider. i dont know where we re going to sleep tonight, for the sleepover. like what room is big enough to hold us all. and who would be willing to give up their space for it?)

"Разве ваша комната не одна из самых больших? почему мы не можем использовать вашу комнату? Я могу помочь тебе подготовиться, я пытаюсь избежать Клинта. он пытается заставить меня петь." she says, (isnt your room one of the biggest? why cant we use your room? i can help you get it ready, im trying to avoid Clint. hes trying to get me to sing.)

"о боже, ты гениальная тетушка Нэт! Ну же!" He says dragging her to his room, (oh my god your a genius auntie Nat! Come on!).   When they arrived at his room they immediately started planning. They ran around the penthouse and grabbed all the blankets and pillows. They started by hanging the blankets around the walls and ceiling using Peter webs to make them stick, and made some blanket walls so they had halls, changing rooms and a massive bedroom. It looked like a massive cave/blanket fort. They put all the pillows in the 'bedroom' and the left over blankets in a neat pile it the side. "This is great auntie Nat! Thank you for helping me!" 

"No problem маленький паук". Nat left the room to go get Wanda for they could paint their nails  Christmas-y, Peter was jealous he couldn't go but he would have to do that tomorrow  because he had to stick to his list. 

Making his suit Christmas-y was easy it toke him less than 20 minutes. His patrol was mostly uneventful just some mugging and some old people needed help crossing the road. But the next thing on his list would be the hardest. "Hey guys! I have something Christmas-y for us to do! It will make lots of people smile!" Peter says while walking out the elevator in his spider-man suit. They all looked interested, "We can all go carolling in our super suits!" He said happily. Everyone groaned. But to everyone's surprise "Sure! Hold on let me change." Came from Nat. That encouraged some of the others to get up to change. The only people left were: Sam, Tony, Thor and Steve. All it toke to convince them was puppy eyes to Tony and Steve, explaining what carolling  was to Thor,  and promising extra pudding for Sam. It was way easier than he thought.

They walked out in their suits, they couldn't go to every house in New York so they went to Central Park. And with the paparazzi stalking them it didn't take long for a massive crowd to appear where they were, they spent a hour and a half signing before deciding they were going to swing by a children's hospital. 

They walked throw the hospital doors making a badass entrance. They split up walking around the whole hospital to say hello the the kids and signing stuff for them. They spent a little over three hours there.

After walking back into the penthouse most of the team collapsed onto the couch. "That was actually nice, we should do that every year." Clint said, they rest of the team nodded. Smiling, Peter walked into the kitchen to start dinner. 

They rest of the evening went in a blur of laughing and smiling. After dinner they watched 'the snowman' and 'home alone'. Finally they all fell asleep with massive smiles on their faces.  

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