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*field trip, Peter lives with avengers but isn't adopted by tony yet*

Peter trudged to school, today his class was going to the SI for a field trip. He knew Tony would try and embarrass him! Peter sighed when he heard a scream from a ally a block away. He ran over there but stopped when he didn't see anyone. Suddenly his senses went crazy, "For fuck sake" was the last thing he said before his world went black.


Ned was wringing his hands in worry. MJ wasn't on the trip as she was on another trip with her art class, but Peter said he would come and he's not here yet. Ned had texted him multiple times and tried calling him but he never answered. When it was time to bored the bus Ned was really worried. But he convinced himself that Peter was already at the tower, even though his gut said other wise. 


Tony was working in the lab waiting for Peters class to arrive. He gave the class special permission to come to his private lab and after if they had time he would bring them to the penthouse. Tony had spent the morning cleaning the confidential projects out of the lab so no secrets would be revealed when the class arrived.  

"Boss, bambino's class has arrived."

"Awesome, send em' up" 

Tony stood up and grabbed a rag to wipe the oil and grease of his hands. When the elevator dinged Tony scanned the crowd of kids to find Peter, but he couldn't see him anywhere. Then he noticed Ned, Peter's friend.

"Hey Ted where's Pete?" Tony was really confused. (He knew Ned's name it was just for fun now)

Ned wasn't bothered by the name thing, he just looked scared. "I-I thought he was with you... he was supposed to be here but then he didn't turn up and I thought he came here. He hasn't answered his phone all morning.."

This made Tony worry, the class looked confused but also in awe that their classmate was talking to the Tony Stark as if they new each other. Before Tony could say anything FRIDAY cut in. 

"Boss, a face time is coming in from Bambino"

Tony ran over to his big screen, "Accept". Tony forgot about the class but Ned came over and stood next to Tony. 

The screen showed Peter tied up to a chair with out his shit, showing cuts and bruises all over his chest. Tony grabbed Neds shoulder in support while Ned grabbed a table to steady himself. A man in a black hoodie with a white mask walked into the view. "Hello Stark!" the man said his a low but happy voice.

"LET MY KID GO!" Tony screamed, 

"LET HIM GO" Ned yelled,

The class just looked on in shock at their classmate who was tied to a chair looking like he had just been tortured. "Now, now. I didn't call you to bargain. I called you to watch." 

To everyone's horror the man took out a knife and gun, the man shot Peter's leg and then his shoulder. On the contrary of everyone's expectations Peter didn't slump in his seat, he started to talk. "Hey Mr Stark! You'll never guess what!"

"Jeez kid! I know you've been kidnap-"

"I finished SI on minecart last night! We can play tonight! I even made vents so Clint can play with us" 

Tony sighed, of course that's the thing the kid thinks about. "Shut up!" the man shot Peter twice in the stomach. Peter rolled his eyes, "Darlin you gunna have to do worse. Anyway why am I here? I'm supposed to be on a field trip" 

The kidnapper pinched the bridge of his nose. He obviously was regretting taking this kid. "I took you to cause Stark pain. He cares for you and I hate him. I want him to suffer watching his kid die. And your so smart that you made your phone untraceable so he can't even save you."

Peter's face never changed from his bubbly, happy expression. "Okay! Also the way you hold your gun is wrong." Peter went on explaining how the best ways are to hold and shoot a gun. After he finished everyone including the kidnapper was stunned. 1st of why a 16 year old kid knew all this, 2nd because he was telling his kidnapper this. 

The kidnapper decided he was going to slowly torture Peter. He grabbed a knife and started to stab and cut  Peter all over. Peter just sat there humming 'best day of my life'. 


"DaRliNg!! Do yOu hAvE aNy fOoD?" 

"No" the man kept torturing Peter but nothing seemed to faze him. Then he took out a lighter, he dragged it over Peters body. 
"Darling whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"


20 minutes passed of this, the kidnapper trying to hurt or even faze Peter but Peter would sing, talk just over all chill out. "Hey darling can you scratch my nose, its itchy." 

The class, Ned and Tony had been watching in horror and amusement. "Ok stop calling me 'darling!" The kidnapper throw the knife, lighter and gun to the floor. (the gun didn't have any bullets left he had shot Peter with them all)

"Why darling?" 

"Its gay!" The kidnapper yelled, Peter tilted his head looking at the kidnapper with a smirk. 

"Darling I am gay" 

"Ew gross! Fag!!" the kidnapper yelled. 

Now you could see Peters face changed. His face went from bubbly and happy to dark and scary. Peter ripped his hands and legs out of their bounds and stood up, "Never. Call. Anyone. That."
The kidnapper stood their in shock, "W-why. What you gunna do about it you faggot" He tried to put on a strong face but you could clearly see he was scared. 

Peter lunged at the man and started to beat the shit out of him. "Don't call anyone that ever again!" Peter was on top of the man punched him over and over again. 

Finally after a full five minutes Peter got up and walked over to the phone. 

"Kid I'm coming to get you! Where are you?" 

"Nah I'm fine. I'll walk, I mean its a beautiful day."

Everyone was staring at Peter with their jaws on the floor. Tony and Ned tried to convince him to let them pick him up but he refused. Peter ended up hanging up cause his phone died.
10 minutes later Peter walked into the lab. He was covered in blood and burns. Peter looked around and saw his class.
"Oh hey guys! Um how's the trip going? Um I'm just gunna grab a shirt then I can join." Everyone was to in shock to say anything.  Peter walked over to a draw and pulled out a shirt and some tweezers. He sat on a table and shoved the tweezes into his bullet holes to get the bullet out. He ended up pulling out 24. After he placed them into a jar he pulled the shirt over his head. "Okay I'm ready, so where were you guys at?" Peter clapped his hand together. 

Everyone looked at him, no one said anything. Finally someone broke out of their shock. Ned ran over to Peter and pulled him into a hug. Carful not to harm Peter any further. Tony also walked over and wrapped his arms around Peter. 

They ended up going to the penthouse cause Peter wanted hot dogs. Bruce was called and they cleaned Peter up. The class was invited back to SI for the next week to do a re-do of the trip. 

Let's just say no one messed with Peter again after that. Well Peter was not looking forward to MJ telling him off when they got back to school. 

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