Bestie Buck

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*after civil war team cap comes to the tower*

Team cap was in a meeting room with Tony and Fury. They were talking about arrangements for team cap to stay at the tower. Tony was bored, he kept checking his watch. Tony couldn't wait til Peter got back so they could work in the lab together or watch a movie. 

"-and that's that. Wait Tony are you listening?!" Fury said, turning off the monitor.

"Nope" Tony said, popping the 'p'.

"Well the team is staying with you affective immediately."

"Wait no no no no n o." Tony said, flatly. 

The whole room erupted into argument. 


Peter was riding up to the penthouse while talking to FRIDAY. When he walked into the living room he saw no one. "Hey FRI where's Tony?"

"In a meeting"

"Is there anyone i know there?" 

"Buck-a-roo is attending then meeting"

"I still love that nickname- WAIT HES HERE?"

"Yes Petey, but i highly suggest waiting here for him because they are in a meeting" 

"Okay" He decided to set up the ingredients to make chocolate lava cookies. 

After another 20 minutes of waiting he heard footsteps. He jumped up and down in excitement waiting for his honorary uncle. But instead of Bucky, Steve walked in. He stopped bouncing in disappointment. "Who are you?" Steve asked, taking a small defence stance. 

"Peter... um where's Buck?" 

"No, you don't get to call him that." 

"Chill Steve. Petey!" Bucky rushed over to Peter and engulfed him into a massive bear hug.

"Uncle Buck!!" Peter dragged Bucky over to the cookie ingredients, "can we please make cookies?" 

"Sure, only if its the chocolate lava ones"

"What else" Peter said sarcastically. Bucky laughed and put on his apron which said 'Spider-Man is my favourite superhero'. And Peter put on a apron which read 'Winter Soilder is my favourite superhero' with a severed head of Ironman helmet under it. Steve stood there shocked while he watched the two make cookies and throwing flour at each other. 

After they made the cookies they brought the batch into the living room to give to the others. "Here, we made chocolate lava cookies" Peter said, handing them out. People took one bite and they all relaxed. "So um why do you call him 'uncle Buck'?" Sam asked. 

"I met him awhile ago and we just kinda clicked i guess. I taught him how to use a phone so we could text. And he taught me to speak Russian" Peter said. Peter also saw that Bucky and Nat glancing at each other. 

" Дядя Бак, вам нравится мисс Романофф?" Peter asked, (Uncle Buck, do you like Ms Romanoff?) 

"Заткнись!" Bucky nearly yelled, he blushed and Peter laughed. (Shut up

"так что да" Peter said throw laughs. Bucky looked like a tomato. 

Everyone looked very confused except from Natasha, "Ты знаешь ... я тоже говорю по русски" She said slyly. (You know... i speak Russian too

Peter stoped laughing and paled, Bucky put his head in his hands. "Боже мой, мне так жаль, Баки !! Мисс Романофф, вы не должны были этого слышать ..." Peter said, panicked. (Oh my god I'm so sorry Bucky!! Ms Romanoff, you weren't supposed to hear that) 

"Сначала назовите меня тетей Нэт. во-вторых, не волнуйтесь. Бакс, как насчет того, чтобы пойти поужинать позже?" Nat said, smirking. (first, call me auntie Nat. second, don't worry. buck how about we go to dinner later?)

Bucky nodded, still blushing. Peter smiled but still very pale. "What the hell just happened?!" Steve yelled, frustrated. "Don't worry about it" Peter said. 

"Okay. I'm getting annoyed with you, you little shit." Steve said. People gasped because Peter didn't do anything. "No! Do not talk about my son like that!" Tony said, walking over and standing in front of Peter protectively. "Don't talk about my nephew like that" Bucky said, standing up and wrapping a protective arm around Peter. "Don't talk about my маленький паук like that" Nat said walking over and standing next to Tony. (Little spider). Steve backed away at the scary sight. "Mr Rogers i think you should leave" FRIDAY said, protectively? 

——itsy bitsy time skip—— 

Bucky and Nat were getting ready for their date, when Peter decided he would help. He walked to Nat's room and knocked on the door. "Come on" he hear her say. He opened the door and saw her trying to zip up a dress. "Do you need help?" 

"Yes please"  Peter walked over and helped her zip up her dress. 

"Oh i have a idea for your hair" he said, "can i?". She nodded and he grabbed her hair brush and started to brush her hair. He curled her hair so it went wavy but brought a little piece from the side round to the back and clipped it into place. She looked gorgeous. "Wow, thank you Peter"

"Your welcome"

"We have some time before i have to go, how about we get to know each other."


"So are you going out with someone? Do i need to threaten someone to treat you well?" 

"No... but there's a boy i know.... he's called Wade. He's very funny"

"Ooooo are you going to ask him out??"

"Maybe..  i dont know how to do it"

"Okay, tomorrow we are going to plan it."

"Okay thank you auntie Nat"

"Your welcome маленький паук"

"I think its time.. have fun"

"Okay see you later" 

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