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*civil war did happen and the team cap comes back to live with Tony, but they aren't on good terms. Tony brings peter to meet team cap but he proves himself in more ways than one* 

Everything had been very awkward since team cap moved back into the tower. Everyone was on edge, Tony started to spend more and more in the lab. Peter on the other hand was nervous, Nick Fury wanted Peter to train with the avengers. He would normally love to train with the avengers but after the fight he didn't think they would like him. 

It was the weekend and Peter was staying at the tower because he agreed to train with the avengers. Him and Tony were in the lab making a speaker that could only play AC/DC. "Hey, Mr Stark, I'm hungry." Peter says spinning in his chair to face Tony.

"What you wanna eat?" He asked, not even looking up from his project. 


"Sure thing kiddo," They got up to go get some curry. They ended up going out to a Indian restaurant only 2 blocks away from the tower. When they got back they ended up falling asleep curled up together on the couch in the lab. (Don't get any ideas Starker shippers, that ship is BANNED here) 

The next morning they Peter woke up with Tonys arm around him. He smiled, "hey FRI can you take a photo  and send it to me",

"Sure thing, Spidey-baby", Peter rolled his eyes at the name before getting up, careful to not wake up Tony, and walking over to his project and carried on working. After 2 hours of working and waiting for Tony to wake up, Peter decided to update FRIDAY's coding to call the avengers funny nicknames. 

When Tony finally woke up it was around lunch time, so they got brunch before getting ready to train. Peter was growing more and more nervous, he didn't know how the team would react to him. As he would be training with them and maybe working with them Fury and him agreed to reveal his identity to them. 

Him and Tony walked out of the elevator into the training room, there standing infront of him were all the avengers. They looked round at the sound of the elevator closing, "Hey Stark, who's the kid?" Captain America asked. 

"This is Peter" Tony said, patting Peters shoulder, Peter just gave a small smile and a shy wave. The avengers shared confused glances, "aka Spider-Man" Tony finished. 


"Don't worry Mr Rogers, its not the  heaviest things I've had fall on me" Peter said, trying to give a reassuring smile. Steves was shocked. Everyone looked at the small boy sceptically, they didn't trust the boy. No one noticed her, but Wanda stepped a little closer to the boy, hands glowing. Suddenly she screamed and fell to her knees, everyone looked over to her before falling to their knees as well, the room was filled with red aura. Everyone started screaming their heads off. The only one standing was Peter, he was looking around frantically worried. After five minutes everyone stopped screaming, some were lying down others slumped against the walls. Peter ran over to Tony, "Mr Stark are you okay?" 

"W-w-what the hell was that!" 

Everyone looked over to Wanda once the red 'mist' left, she was slumped against the wall, she was as pale as a ghost. "I-I-I- I went into his head.." everyone looked shocked and confused, "when i go into peoples head i feel there emotions, t-t-that's his emotions. I-I couldn't hold them..." she trailed off. Everyone looked horrified and shocked. They looked over to Peter, he too looked shocked. There was a moment of silence while people helped each other stand. They were all weak and felt as if they had just went through a months worth of torture. Once everyone  who could stand was up they focused completely on Peter. "I-I'm sorry?" Peter said, holding Tony up so he didn't fall. "W-what" Bucky said. 

"I'm sorry, um are you guys alright. I-I could go get water or-" 

"Hold on! Your sorry?" 

"Um yes. You guys were screaming and in pain-"  

Wanda cut him off, "Peter, we only felt a fraction of your feelings, as it was spreed over more than one person the emotions spreed as well."

Everyone's faces grew with horror, "Wait so the pain that brought the earths mightiest hero's to the their knees, people who have literally been through hell and back and a tiny bit of your pain caused them to start screaming!?" Tony nearly yelled. 

"I guess" Peter shrugged. Everyone looked at him like he was a alien. "Um so should we start training?" Peter said, walking past a shooketh Captain America over too the bench press. 

"Um you knock your self out, i think we're going to take a break" Bucky said, helping (carrying) Wanda to the bench. They spent 2 hours watching  Peter run, lift weights, bench press, etc (aka recovering). They all gathered sympathy and respect for Peter. 

They ended up spending the evening together. They were (again) shocked of how happy and 'fine' he seemed, when they know the pains he's in constantly. They watched Friends and ordered pizza, all in all it ended up being a good day. 

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