To Many Parents

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*Peter lived with the Avengers, he has many uncles, a few Aunts, two sisters, 4 dads, 2 mums. Only his bestie Ned know about his crazy, bonkers family. Also thank you @ShortyVreads for the request*

Peter's POV

I was sat in class waiting for the bell to ring, texting the family chat under the table.

Irondad: BABE WTF

SpiderKid: anyone over 30 it's weird to call babe

Dr Dad (Stephan): What did I do?!

Mama Steeb: what did Stephan do?


Mama Steeb: LAUNGUAGE!

Uncle Green: oh shit

Mama Steeb: Language!

Папа (Bucky- means 'dad'): Shut up Steve!

SpiderKid: can you guys yell at each other of the chat

мама паук: Tony's chasing Stephan round the place while Stephan is using the cloak to float everywhere

SpiderKid: aww I wanna be there! ☹

Prank Papa (Clint): dw im filming it

SpiderKid: thx 😊

Uncle Bird: can we pls change my name ☹

SpiderKid: no

Prank Papa: no

Папа: no

Uncle Bird: ☹

The bell rang which surprised me enough for me to nearly drop my phone.

SpiderKid: Shit! Bell went gtg

Mama Steeb: Language!

Everyone else: bye

I switch of my phone and stuff in into my pocket. "Alright class, listen up, I'm just reminding you that tomorrow we're having bring you parent to workday. So, remember to bring you mom's or dads in! Alright class dismissed." Miss Rose said.

I hadn't told anyone other than Aunt Pepper about the parent day thingy. I didn't want to pressure the others into thinking I wanted them to come, also its not public that I live with the avengers. "Hey Ned! Is your mom coming?"

"Yeah, she says she'll come early because she needs to leave early. So, um could I come over to yours tomorrow after school? She has a night shift." Ned said while we walk through the doors into the buzzing hallway. Ned's mom works in the hospital where May worked before she-

"Of course! Tomorrow's movie night anyway. Thor and Loki are coming over!"

We walk into the warm air of spring. I spot Happy shooing away some kids from taking pictures on his car, "Um I gotta go, cya tomorrow!" I say before we do our famous handshake.
"Bye!" Ned said before walking off in the opposite direction.

I walk over to Happy and hop in the car before anyone could see me. When Happy gets in the car I start telling him all about my dad and how Ned was coming over tomorrow plus how Ned can finally meet my boyfriend Loki (even though whenever Loki's over at the tower we FaceTime Ned).

-----time skip because u can't stop me----

After dinner I head to bed but run into Aunt Pepper, "Hey Aunt Pep! How was your day?" (she doesn't live in the tower, so Peter only runs into her in the evening of just before school)

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