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*thank you all for 6K! larb u all. Also thank you @ShortyVreads for the request!
the team is going camping. Tony adopted Peter a year ago after May died or sm.
Ships: Nat x Wanda, Tony x Steve, Bruce x Thor, Peter x Loki*

No One's POV

Peter had just come home. It was finally the holidays, and he had an idea. He wanted to bring the team camping. "Hey, auntie Tasha? You home?" he called, walking around the penthouse.

Natasha came out from her room, "Hey, Pete, what's up?"

"I want to bring the team camping! It'll be really fun!" Peter was bouncing on the balls of his feet. Natasha smiled at his excitement and agreed to help plan.

Later that evening while the others while watching a movie they snuck out to buy camping equipment. They got a tents, sleeping bags, torch's, bug spray (Natasha picked it up while Peter kept slowly backing away), fluffy socks, a portable mini fridge, camping chairs, a portable table to make food on, sun screen and floaties.

The next day they pack it all into a mini van and go pack the food. Once everything is sorted, they gather everyone in the living room. "Why are we here?" Sam asked, trying to look like he had better stuff to do. Bucky threw Lego at his head.

"Peter had an idea for a family holiday." Nat said, sitting down next to her girlfriend, Wanda.

"Where?" Bucky asked, still throwing Lego at Sam.

"I'm not telling until everyone packs their bags." Peter smirked as they groaned. Everyone walked away to pack their bags, chatting about where they were going ("Maybe England!", "No! Are you stupid it always rains there. Peter hates the rain.", "Maybe... Greece?", "Nope. I don't think Peter would like the heat, especially when Bucky and Sam would be throwing sand at each other.")


Once everyone was in the mini van they set off. Almost immediately regretting were they sat. Somehow Sam and Bucky were siting next to each other, which was hell for everyone else as well. Natasha and Wanda were up front, Nat driving cause Peter didn't have a licence and they needed someone to drive without telling anyone where they were going. Tony, Steve and Clint were unfortunate as they were sat behind Bucky and Sam, popcorn was flying into their faces every few minutes. Poor Tony only wanted to sleep (for once) and Steve wanted to read while Clint was throwing the popcorn back.
Bruce and Thor were in front of Bucky and Sam, they were a little luckier but they forgot their headphones, so they had to listen to the cuss words and the screaming coming from the two. Loki and Peter, however, were lucky enough to be at the very back. Loki was showing Peter his magic and Peter was introducing Loki to Billie Eilish.

The drive was a few hours, but it got more bearable throughout as Sam fell asleep and Bucky drew on his face before going to sleep himself, thus for letting the others drift off. "We're here!" Nat called from the front. This startled everyone.

They all looked around of the abandoned clearing and the crystal lake (imagen the place Tony has in Endgame just without the cabin). Pete bounced down to where he wanted his and Loki's tent to be, "Loki! Loki! Can we have our tent here?!"

Loki has a smile that was only reserved for Peter, soft and fond, "Of course." He walked over to help set it up.

All the couples spilt up to build their tents. Sadly, only one tent was left, "You can go sleep in a tree birds." Bucky said, grabbing the last tent.
"Nu-uh! Sam is the annoying one! He can go sleep in a tree!" Clint said.
Sam pouted, "C'mon! It's a biggish tent, we can all fit in it!"
"Fine. But I'm not sleeping next to red wing lover." Bucky strutted over to a tree and started to unpack the tent.

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