The Picnic

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Peter had been taking a week off school because Tony needed help with meetings and accords signing. It had been a lot of work for both of them, but Peter felt overly tired due to working all day and going out on patrol. Tony took notice and I decided to do something about it. 

They only had one meeting that day, and it finished right before lunch. This gave Tony a brilliant idea, he was going to set up a picnic for him and Peter. He looked up the best places to go for a picnic. He found a park that had some interesting history to it and some beautiful places to sit, he knew his little nerd would love it. 

Tony packed a cliche looking picnic basket with all of his and Peters favourite foods. "Hey Petey, I got a surprise for you." Tony says. Peter looked up from what he was working on, 

"What is it?" 

"Can't tell duh, that's why i said surprise" Peter rolled his eyes while Tony laughed.

"Okay then, at least tell me it has something to do with food cause I'm huuuunnnnggggrrryyyy!" 

"Okay kiddo lets go" Tonys says, draping an arm over Peters shoulders and guiding him towards the elevator. 

Tony only tells Peter where they were going when they pulled up to the park. Peter was very exited to have a picnic with his father-figure. They found a tree and set up there little camp, placing the blanket down and then talked about the history of the park. They ended up falling asleep because of the warm sun and the peacefulness of the place. Tony had his arm around Peter and Peter had his head on Tonys chest. Even the birds thought they were cute. 

——— 1 and a half hours ago——— 

Ned was bored, MJ was sick and Peter had been out of school because of his internship. They had small field trip to some boring historical park and Ned was not looking forward to it. Flash didn't have anyone to bully so he focused on talking about Peters 'fake internship' and just overall bad mouthing him. Ned just wanted to go home, he hated hearing someone say such horrible things about his best friend.

On the bus Ned sat alone listening to music and texting Peter (he knew Peter wouldn't respond but he just felt like it). Flash was laughing at one of his own horrible jokes. 

When they pulled up to the park they walked around for a bit while their teacher went on about they parks history. When they turned a corner they saw two people sleeping, they looked like they where on a picnic but fell asleep. Most of the class was bored so they all noticed the sleeping pair two, a lot of the class were jealous because they were starving. 

— —

Tony woke up and felt a weight on his chest, he looked down and saw a sleeping Peter. He smiled, enjoying their little moment. Then he felt Peter stir, Peter looked up and looked at Tony, "hey dad" he said smiling. Tony froze, did he.. did he just call me dad? He must still be half asleep is what went through Tonys mind. "Hey kid" he finally said. 

After five minutes to staying like that Peter sat up, "I'm really hungry". 

"Then eat" Tony says plainly.

"Okay, you want anything Mr Stark?" Peter said while opening the picnic basket and took out a sandwich.

"Nu-uh, nope." Peter looked confused, "you can't call me that. You called me dad, and that's the only name i will respond to" Tony said, crossing his arms. Peters face flushed but he nodded. 


The class was extremely bored, but something caught peoples eye, they saw someone sit up. Now the whole classes attention was on the boy, the boy talked to who ever he was with while eating a sandwich. Then the boy stood up and the class got a look at his face. Peter. Peter Parker, the weak, scrawny boy who was supposed to be 'working'. The class was shocked. Peter walked over to the water fountain. 

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