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*Field trip, (sorry for all of them, just got a tiny bit of writer's block) Peter lives at the tower, *

{two months ago}

No One's POV

Some of the avengers were chilling in the living room, Peter was on the floor with Clint playing 'the game of life', Steve and Bucky were sitting in an armchair together reading, Tony was on a StarkPad doing who knows what, Sam was throwing popcorn at Bucky and Clint, Wanda and Vision were cooking, Thor and Loki were arguing about something, Natasha was training, Stephan was meditating, and Bruce was in the lab. Everyone was having a quite and chill day, which you don't find often at the tower.

All was well until loud thuds could be heard from down the hall. "What's that?" Tony looked up from his StarkPad and asked everyone else,
"We have the same information as you, dumbo" Sam sassed back, Tony rolled his eyes but got up to look anyway. Before he could reach the door, however, a massive green dude knocked him aside. "HULK NO LIKE STAIRS!!". (hulk can't fit into the elevator)

Stephan rushed over to see if his husband was okay. Steve grabbed Clint from where he was sitting and ran to the safety of the hall. Bucky did same with Sam, just less politely, he dragged him by his feet instead of picking him up. Wanda and Vision ran off to grab Natasha for the lullaby.

"Hey big guy! How's your day going?" Peter was sitting on the ceiling, waving at hulk. Hulk stopped for a second, he tilted his head. "Peter get away from him!!" Tony shouted, "He's dangerous!!"

Peter didn't take notice, he just jumped from wall to wall, "Mr Hulk, I think you look very nice today."

Hulk hadn't moved or said anything since Peter started to jump around. He started to sit down, crossing his legs, not ever looking away from Pete. Peter was doing somersaults, backflips, loads of cool tricks on the ceiling. "Spider?" Hulk asked, Peter nodded. They stayed like this for a little while, Peter doing tricks that Hulk suggested, and after a while Hulk started to feel sleepy. He laid down and said, "Night, Spider-friend" before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Just as Natasha rushed in, he was back to Bruce again. "Hm what 'append?" Bruce sleepily asked. "You were Hulk-" Clint started,

"Oh god! Did he hurt anyone?!" Bruce sounded exhausted, embarrassed, and sad. It made everyone give him a sad look. "No don't worry he didn't hurt anyone. He just said he really didn't like stairs. Then Peter-" Clint was cut off again.

"OH GOD- Peter are you alright!"

"I'm fine, don't worry" Peter smiled,

"As I was saying," Clint looked slightly annoyed at the interuption, "Peter calmed him down, way quicker than anyone before. Not much was even broken. Only the stuff he sat on!"

Bruce looked confused but relieved. "I think I should go to sleep for a little" he finally said, Thor walked up to him, picked him up and brought him to their bedroom. Everyone else started to pick up broken pieces of wood, and the shards of the glass coffee table.

Since then, Bruce had been letting Hulk out when he wants to see his 'Spider-friend'. Peter and Hulk have a playroom in the tower, (a massive room where hulk can go in and not damage anything for hurt anyone. Plus, some massive sized playground equipment so they can play games together).

Present Time

Peter's POV

"-so remember class, to get those slipped signed." The teacher finished as the bell rang. I jumped up and ran out the classroom. I even forgot to grab a slip, I just wanted to get home. Loki (my boyfriend) was coming back soon, and my room was a mess. I wanted to clean it before Loki saw how messy his boyfriend was. "Hey dude! You forgot this!" Ned walked up behind me, (I was at my locker grabbing my homework) he was holding a slip for the field trip. "Oh yeah, thanks. I wasn't listening to Mr Brown, where are we going?" I ask, closing my locker.
"Oh you don't know?" he smirked, we started to walk down the hallway.

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