Merry Christmas dickhead

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*its Christmas morning, the rogue avengers come and surprise Tony after civil war. The only people that know Peter lives with Tony are Nat and Clint. Tony forgave Bucky but still hasn't forgiven Steve.* 

Peter woke up really happy, of course he was it was Christmas morning! He jumped out of bed and grabbed his Santa hat, "Hey Fri, is Tony up yet?". 

"No sir is still sleeping, I'm sure he wouldn't mind you waking him up after what happened last night." This made Peter think, what happened last night? 

"Fri please play what happened last night" 

"Sure thing Petey-pie." He rolled his eyes at the nickname. A video popped up on his phone, he hit play,

"Alright  Pete, i think you should go to bed now you look very tired."

"Ok dad" came peters sleepy response. Then he walked off leaving a shocked Tony in his wake.

Peter was horrified. He call Tony Stark 'dad'! After spending 5 minutes overthinking, he decided that he would wake Tony up and pretend nothing happened.

"Hey Tony, come on wake up its Christmas morning!" He said, voice full of excitement while opening Tonys door. After getting no response Peter walked up to Tonys bed and slightly shakes him awake. Tony woke up to a very exited Peter standing over him, "Jesus kid, trying to give me a heart attack?" He says propping himself up slightly on his elbows. 

"Sorry Tony" peter says before backing up a little, still full of excitement. 

"No no no no! You either call me what you called me last night, forever, or no gifts or lab time!" Peter did a fake pout, "Ok dad, can we go get hot chocolate and put some Christmas songs on while we open gifts?" He says slightly bouncing with excitement.

"Sure thing kid" he reply's with just before he gets out of bed and drapes a arm over Peters shoulders guiding him to the living room. "Okay kid get comfy on the couch and put so music on while i go get the hot chocolate" Tony says while walking into the kitchen, Peter nods and goes and sits on the couch draping a blanket over him. 


"Are you sure Stark wont be mad with us surprising him? On Christmas!" Bucky says while shifting slightly. "Nah, he's probably drunk anyway." Steve reply's with. The rogue avengers plus Nat where walking into the elevator of Stark Tower, they got cleared to live in the tower (but nobody bothered to tell Tony) so they were going up to the penthouse. The ride up was awkward, Bucky still felt really guilty, Nat and Clint had been forgiven in fact they were the only people to know Peter lived with Tony, Peter even called them 'uncle' and 'aunt'. 

 When the elevator doors opened they were expecting (except for Nat and Clint) to find a drunk Tony passed out on the couch in a plain un-decorated room, they did not expect to find a fully decked out Christmas tree plus Christmas light going along the walls and Christmas blankets everywhere with tinsel lining the tv and shelf's. Everyone was even more shocked to see a massive pile of gifts with some smaller ones near it. "He probably either bought the gifts for himself or some fan girls he slept with sent them," Steve whispered to the others, Nat and Clint rolled their eyes knowing who the massive pile of gifts belong to. After hearing someone humming along to the music playing in the background, all the avengers eyes went to the couch to see a small boy curled up with a blanket draped over him. "Probably just some boy-toy Tony forgot to send home." Steve whispered to the team again, this time Nat and Clint had enough. They walked over to Peter placing some gifts ,no one had seen them carry into the elevator, on the coffee table. 

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