Lookin' Smexy

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*idea comes from @itsEliosir, they write it way better than me so please check them out, plus they have a part two. Also I'm a massive stucky shipper so no hate towards Stevie. (also sorry it's kinda short)*

Peter's POV

I'm sitting in my room looking at my self in the mirror. I want to change up my style, but I don't know what I want to do. I fiddle with my hair. I decide I want to try make up, so I turn on my phone and watch YouTube videos about how to do it. When I find the style, I want I run into Auntie Nat's room and ask to borrow her make up. She says yes and offers to help me.
We did my make up and ordered some new clothes to come for Monday. I'm going to look good.

---time skip to Monday---

When my alarm goes off I jump out of bed. I remembered to set my alarm earlier than normal because I wanted everything to be perfect. I jump in the shower and wash my hair. When I step out I wrap the towel around my waist and walk in front of the mirror, I pick up the hairdryer Auntie Nat gave me and dried my hair off. It went fluffy. I walked back into my room and changed into the clothes I laid out the night before.

 I walked back into my room and changed into the clothes I laid out the night before

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*the outfit^*

Then I turn to the little make up station I set up. I sit down and start.

*make up^ just a little more subtle*

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*make up^ just a little more subtle*

I look into the mirror, I look fabulous. I grab my backpack and walk into the kitchen. Thankfully no one's there, I don't want them to see me like this yet. I grab a apple and leave a note saying I've left for school.

Now that I have extra time I decide to walk to school instead of the subway. It's a lovely day and some people complemented me on my make up. Everything was good. But I knew nothing will last forever, especially when someone named Flash is in your life.

I walk into school, some people stared. I just ignored them and walked over to my locker. I saw Ned and waved. "Hey Ned!"

I swear I saw him go slightly pink, "Hey Pete!"

"HOT DAM!" I heard someone yell behind me. I turn and see MJ, "If you weren't of so gay for someone called Harley Keener I would snatch you up right here right now." She woof whistle's.
I blush and give her a hug, "Shut up." I whisper.

"Never!" she fist bumps Ned. "C'mon nice loser and recently hot loser. We don't want to be late for class."
Me and Ned make eye contact and shake our heads but follow her to class. I did find however that a lot of heads turned when I walked past. I have to admit it put a spring in my step.

When I sat down between Ned and MJ at lunch people kept coming over and asking me to hang out. I said, politely, no but it did leave a smile on my face. "All de girls and all de boys wanted him, but he only had eyes for one" MJ says in a funny accent. I punch her in the arms, I swear I heard someone with my super hearing mutter 'lucky girl'. I laughed and told MJ and Ned. MJ laughed and kissed my cheek while sending a wink to some girls.

"Hey Pete, look" Ned pointed to Flash, who had been distant all day. "He is totally blushing!" Ned laughed. When I looked over Flash quickly looked away, but I did see a blush forming on his face. God this day is weird.

Finally, the end of the day! During last period I painted my nails black with MJ's nail polish. When the bell rang, I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked outside. I saw a sleek black car with a very attractive guy leaning against it. "Hey Parker!" he yelled.

I quickly said goodbye to Ned and MJ, "Yo Keener!" I yell back. When I walk over, he kisses my hand and opens my door. "Thanks." I mutter, I was blushing. He smirked and slide into the driver's seat.

We drove back to the tower, as always Harley was a massive flirt. We step out the elevator and are met with all the avengers. "Hey!" I say,

"Looking good Pete!" Nat says, I smile at her.

The rest of the team nods and I hear Clint yell 'yas queen' from the vents. But I notice Steve walking over to me, "Hey Steve how your day go-"


I'm taken aback, but I take a deep breath. The whole room is silent, but I reach into my pocket. I take out my lip gloss and put some more on. Then I drop my backpack, I spin round and look at Harley. I smile before pulling him into a passionate kiss. He wraps his arms around me. After a full on minute, we separate. I turn to look at Steve, hearing Harley catching his breath behind me, I stick my middle finger up at him. "Fuck you popsicle!" I then blow a kiss and waltz out. I can hear Cint clapping from the vents and Natasha whooping.

I walk to the training room. I start to beat the shit outta a punching bag.

Harley's POV

After Pete walks out and I catch my breath I decide to follow. "Well that's my cue," I wink and follow Peter. He's in the training room beating up a punching bag. God he's hot. "Hey darling," I say, leaning against the door frame.

He turns around, "Oh- I'm sorry about that back there! I just-" he starts to ramble.

"Don't worry," I walk over to him until our noses are nearly touching. "I just wanted to know... if you meant the kiss?" I feel nervous.

He blushes, "Um.. yeah"

He doesn't even have to say more, I pull's him into another kiss. This time gentler but longer. When we break apart, I smile down at him. But he gives me an evil smirk, he pushes me against a wall. Ooo he's secretly the dominant one. He kisses me again but with 100% more passion. He wraps his legs around mine. When we part a string of saliva connects us. "Your hot with makeup I have to admit" I smirk when he blushes. "How about we make out in my room? Don't want anyone walking in" he says. I nod and I carry him there.

At dinner everyone was yelling at Steve. And by the end of the week no matter where you went in the tower there was a pride flag. The top of the tower the biggest pride flag was flowing in the wind. And me and Harley started to date. Plus, at school people became nicer to me and my gang. So, I would say everything is going well. 

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