Christmas pt2

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Peter woke up to someone nudging him. Rolling over to see who was trying to wake him, he was met with Clint's face 10cm away from his. "Pete! Hey Pete! Wake up its Christmas!" Clint said, he was beaming with happiness. Expecting to sit up and see everyone waiting for him, he sat up and saw everyone still asleep. "Clint! Everyone is still asleep! What time is it anyway?" Peter asked annoyed,

"Yea I know everyone is still asleep. But most of the people in this room would kill me if i woke them up. Literally! Oh um.. the time is.." let lifts up his wrist to check his watch, "6am.". Peter nodded,

 "Still why wake me". 

"Cause everyone loves you", Peter just rolled his eyes, then started to wake the others. Once everyone was wake they waked into the living room, Steve and Tony went into the kitchen to grab coffee and hot chocolate. They all gathered around the Christmas tree, half on the floor half on couch's an armchairs. 

All of a sudden, when everyone was comfortable and smiling, Peter heard shuffling from the vents. His spidey sense didn't tell him he was in danger so he didn't even look up. That was a mistake. "AAaaAAAaaaaAhhHHAaa", suddenly Wade fell from the ceiling in his Deadpool suit. He landed on Peter with an 'oof'. Sitting up Wade took of his mask and gave Peter a big slobbery kiss on the cheek. Peters face flushed red as he wiped his cheek, Wade sill on his lap. "Nope. No, Wade of Pete's lap." Tony said, walking in with a tray of mugs. Wade pouted and rapped his arm around Peter pulling him close, "No old man, i sit here or no gifts for any of you" he said resting his head on Peters shoulder. Everyone looked shocked that Wade got gifts for them, "Wade you got gifts for us?" Nat asked.

"Yep." He said, shoving his head further into Peters neck.

"Wade you didn't have to. We didn't get anything for you." Steve said going over and sitting next to Bucky.

"I know, and I don't care." He said, "Ok lets stop talking and open some gifts." Wade didn't move from Peters lap so Clint passed gifts to Peter. 

After 2 hours of serious gift opening (Tony bought really big and expensive gifts for everyone) Peter was  nearly done, he only had his gifts from Ned, MJ and Wade. He opened the gift from Ned, it was a star wars comic. Then he opened the one from MJ, it was a framed photo of him, Ned and MJ wearing Disney onesies at a sleepover. "Hey guys ready to open my gifts?" Wade said, still sitting on Peters lap. Everyone nodded, Wade finally got up and passed out his gifts. Then h climbed back onto Peters lap and gave him a gift. "3...2....1... go!" Wade said, everyone ripped the deadpool themed rapping paper of the gifts. When everyone looked at their gifts they smiled, they all his a peace of clothing with something to do with their superhero gimmick. "Now y'all can wear your own merch" Wade said with a chuckle. 

They spend the whole day setting up their gifts and using them, some watched movies. After a lovely dinner they started to head back to the living room but Wade grabbed Peters wrist before he could leave "Petey wait, i have one more gift for you." He said while scratching the back of his neck with is free hand. Peter nodded and followed Wade into the hall, "So um.. we've been dating for a while... and um" he let go of Peters hand to pull out a small velvet box, 

"Wade are you proposing to me? Because I don't think we're old enough-" 

Wade cut him off "No no no, don't worry I'm not proposing! It's a promise ring..". He opened the box to show s beautiful ring, it was silver on the outside but on the inside of the ring it was a rainbow (the gay flag for anyone who lives under a rock and didn't get that)

"Aw Wade this is beautiful!" Peter slides the ring onto his finger, Wade pulls out a ring that matched Peters and slide it onto his own finger. Peter launch's himself into Wades arms. 

"Come on lets go watch a movie with the others," Wade says picking Peter up and carrying him bridle style to the living room. The team chuckled at the sight on Peter being carried into the living room by Wade, after Wade sat down (with Peter still on his lap) they started to watch 'home alone 2'. The rest of the evening was full of love and happiness. 

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