Uncle Bruce

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*Thank you @Simda2020 for the request! I hope it lives up to your idea!*

No One's POV

The team went on a mission but per Fury and Tony's request Peter and Bruce were to stay home. Peter was walking from the subway back to the tower in the sunshine. A ding from his phone interrupted his music, "For gods sake! It interrupted the high note!" he muttered while taking his phone from his pocket.


Hey Kid, sorry I won't be home today, Fury wants the team to do this mission.

I feel sad that I won't be able to prank Sam with Clint this weekend and annoyed I'm not going on the mission.


Dw that's cl
btw no one uses punctuation in text u old man


I'm not old!
I'm just educated.


if im going to be alone in the tower can I bring Dum-E to the penthouse


No! Dum-E is grounded for spraying me with the fire extinguisher at me again.
Plus you're not going to be alone.
Bruce is going to be home. We didn't think we would need to use code green.


Im home ttyl


What does 'ttyl' mean


God ur old
it means talk to you later.


Oh, ttyl


Lol ttyl

I roll my eyes and hop in the elevator, "Hello FRI how's your day going?"

"Good thank you Peter, how was school?"

"Boring but at least its Friday!"

Peter's POV

Once we were at the penthouse I jumped out and climbed up the wall to try and scare Bruce. If I couldn't prank Sam I might as well prank someone.

I scuttle across the ceiling look around the whole penthouse. He wasn't anywhere. He's probably in his lab. I jump back down and walk to the kitchen to grab us some of Thor's pop tarts.

I enter Bruce's from the vents so I could scare him. I crawl and let myself down with a web so I'm just behind him. I pear over his shoulder at what he's working on. "That's wrong." I say.

Bruce nearly jumped out of his skin. "Peter! Oh my god!" he claps a hand to his heart. I jump down and stand next to him, "Look here," I point to some numbers on the screen, "these are wrong."

"Ah! I've been stuck on this for hours! Thank you so much!" he sighs and deletes them.

"You really need to sleep more." I say, walking to the opposite side of the table so start on my homework.

"So do you, but here we are." He sips some coffee but scrunch's his nose when he finds out it's cold.

"I brought Thor's pop tarts! Thought that while the other's are gone we might as well steal their stuff." I open the box and place it in between us. Bruce laughs and takes one.

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