Valentine Dance

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*happy late Valentines Day*

Peter's POV

"Okay everyone remember this Friday its the Valentine Dance." Mr Harris said before the bell went. I walked with Ned to our lockers to wait for MJ. "Hey losers" 

"Hey MJ" . We started walking but as Parker luck has it Flash caught up to us. 

"Oi Penis!" I sighed and turned around, knowing it would only be worse if i ignored him. "Bet no one wants to go to the dance with you!" He and his 'friends' started to laugh. "Hey as you 'know' the avengers why don't you bring one?" He said, voice full of sarcasm. 

"Maybe i will" i retorted, i was tired of him saying i was lying so why not? This caught him of guard so he huffed and walked off. "Are you really going to ask one of them?!" Ned squeaked. Even MJ looked interested. "Maybe, yes?" They nodded and we walked out the school. I saw Happy's car so i said my good byes and jumped into the car. 

One i got to the tower i started to plan what i was going to do. Friday was only two days away so i would need to ask soon. Being so lost in my thoughts i didn't even notice the elevator doors opening. "Hey kid, you coming in or not?" I snapped my head up at the voice. I saw the whole team staring at me. "" i awkwardly walked out and sat down at the table. I stared at my hands trying to think who to ask and how. I felt the teams eyes on me but i ignored them. 

After a while i cooled down and stopped acting so weird. The team noticed but didn't say anything. I was helping wash the dishes with Tony, Steve and Nat. I decided I was going to ask Nat, and its now or never. " i have this Valentine Dance at my school on Friday.." i started,

"Oooo who you asking to it?" Tony asked, drying the plate for the last five minutes. 

"Um.. i was going to ask... um auntie Nat..."

"Um i don't know if she-" 

"I would love to go ребенок паук"  (baby spider

Everyone looked at her in surprise, especially me. "Oh- Thanks мама паук". She nodded and we carried on washing the dishes. 

The next day i walked into school with a spring in my step. "Hey loser, what's got you so chipper?" 

"I asked Nat to the dance... and she said yes!"

"Omgomgomgomgomgomgogmgomgomgomgomgomgomg!! Mybestfriendisgoingtothedancewiththeblackwidow!" Ned was hopping up and down. Even MJ looked shocked (she raised her eyebrow and her eyes widened a tiny bit). 

"Who are you guys going with?" I asked,

"We are going together as friends" MJ said, opening her book.

——-time skip to the end of the day——-

We were walking outside when i was shoved into the lockers by the one and only Flash Thompson. "Hey Penis, guess what? I'm going to the dance with the most popular girl in school and you aren't going with anyone cause no one like you" he kicked me in the gut a few times before walking of. I rolled my eyes, "He needs to work on his insults!". MJ and Ned rushed over to see if i was okay I just waved them off in response. 

———time skip to Friday———

"Cya at the dance!" I waved at Ned and MJ before walking back to the tower. I was sure that Nat had forgotten about the dance, so I when i got to the tower i walked straight to my room and planned what i was going to wear.  

It was 20 minutes before i had to leave and i was sitting on my bed waiting for da-TONY to say it was time to leave. 

Then i heard someone knock on my door. It opened and i saw Auntie Nat standing there in a beautiful dress. Her hair was down but it was more wavy than normal, "so you ready to go?" 

*Natasha's dress*

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*Natasha's dress*

"O-oh um yeah" 

We walked into the living room and the team stared at us, "you guys look great!" Wanda said. We said thanks and left for the party.


When we arrived Nat said she needed to touch up her makeup, so she went to the bathroom and i walked to the cafeteria hall (where the Dance was being held). "Hey loser, you look nice" 

"Thanks MJ, you look great too!" I gave her a hug before hugging Ned, "you look cool dude!" 

"Thanks Pete! Oh its not even half an hour in and Flash's date ditched him!" Ned looked so happy it was hilarious. I looked over his shoulder and saw Flash's date making out with some jock, "bro that's so sad i kinda feel bad". Ned rolled his eyes and we walked over to a table. 

"So did Ms Romanoff come?" MJ said, looking around

"Yeah she's in the bathroom doing her makeup." MJ nodded.

"Oi Puny Penis where's ya date?" Flash stalked over obviously wanting to get away from his 'date'. 

"She's in the bathroom"

"Wait aren't you a faggot" he laughed, (pls never use this slur to anyone its a horrible slur)

"If you mean am i gay, then yes. But she's a f r i e n d"  Flash huffed and walked away before walking back over because he thought of a response. 

"You don't have any friends Penis! Your date is so fake!" He crossed his arms, very proud of himself. 

"Do I'm not." Natasha's voice boomed with power as the door she swung open and banged against the wall. "Hey Petey" she came over and ruffled my hair. 

"Hey Nat", i stood up followed by Ned and MJ.

"Okay piss off" Natasha said to Flash, it took him a minute to understand what she asked. He nodded and shuffled off, full of shock. 

"So you're the famous MJ and Ned." Natasha's face went from glaring to a small but gentle smile. They nodded, "Ms Romanoff i must say its a honour to meet you in person!" MJ held out her hand, Nat took it. "Call me Natasha or Nat. I've heard a lot about you and i think we will be great friends.". MJ smiled a very large smile. Ned nearly fainted with happiness. Nat shook his hand before we all went to dance. 

Everyone wanted to talk to us but with one glare from MJ or Natasha they backed up. Flash was glaring at us from across the room, everything was going great. 

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