"....I'm ill..."

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*Peter lives with Tony and the avengers at stark tower after Mays death. Peter is legally a Stark, but know one knows.

Civil war happened but everyone are friends again. 

Peter and Nat speak Russian in this, I don't speak Russian so i used google translate sorry if its a bit off, don't worry the English translation is there as well.*

Peter had just come home from school feeling like a sensory overload was coming on. After he left the elevator into the penthouse he went straight to his room, he didn't think he could manage a conversation. 

After 2 hours of resting his senses and doing his homework he went into the kitchen to see if he  could help make dinner. "Hey Pete. Are you ok, you seemed to be in a rush to get to your room." Tony said before taking a sip of his coffee. "Oh yea. Just felt a sensory overload coming on, wanted to rest for a bit."

"Ah. You ok now tho?" 

"Yea just a little light headed."

"Alrighty, well capsicale is making pasta for dinner in a bit. So wanna come down to the lab with me and you can help me with a gift I'm making for Stephan."

"Aw! You and Stephan are so cute! And of course I'll help you, your a hopeless romantic." Peter said with a smirk, before walking out leaving Tony blushing. 

—————————————————time skip————————————————————————————

After dinner everyone thanked Steve and helped wash the dishes. "Anyone want to play uno?" Peter asked. "Sure" and "ok" come from the others. 

"So Pete... anything you wanna tell us?" Nat said holding up a peace of paper, after winning uno. Peters face fell. How did she get that? Oh yea she's a spy! What do i say?  Is all went through his head. "Um.... no?" 

Turning to everyone in the room (cause they all looked very confused) she said "Petey had a tour here tomorrow" 

Everyone's faces went from confused to evil smirks. "Well... about that.." Peter said, and now it was Natasha's turn to look confused. "My teacher, Mr Warren, doesn't believe I have a internship. He says that if I don't emit it was a lie i will be kicked of the declaration team and I wouldn't be allowed to go on the trip..." Peter trailed off at the dark faces of the others staring at him. "It really doesn't matter," he try's to backtrack. The room exploded with protests. Even cap looked furious, and he was normally clam in theses situations. Peter wasn't totally over his sensory overload, so when a room full of people are all yelling directly at him (even if its out of love) to didn't help. "Please stop.." Peter said, but with all the noise it sounded like a whisper. Tony was the first to notice Peters  discomfort and quickly left the room to grab noise cancelling headphones and light blocking glasses. 

"Everyone shut the hell up!!" He yelled running back into the room. Everyone then noticed Peter on the floor crying silently. They felt guilt while Tony put in the head phones in Peters ears and slides the glasses over his eyes. Tony then gets up and turns to the team, "He'll be ok in a bit but it takes a while to be fully fine. As he cant go on the trip tomorrow anyway he can jut stay home. It will be better than staying in a noisy school. Nat can you call Pete's school and tell him he's sick. And sorry guys I don't think Pete can have a movie night." He says turning on his mama bear mode. Everyone just nods still feeling guilty, they all just decided that it would be best to just go to bed and apologise to Peter tomorrow.  

————————————————-tomorrow morning———————————————————————

Peter woke up to his warm bed, when he opens his eyes he pulls the glasses of and takes the headphone off and places them on his night stand. When he gets out of bed and is showered and  in fresh clothes, he opens his door to go get breakfast he sees sticky notes all over the door. Looking closer he sees that everyone on the team left a note saying sorry and how much they loved him. This warmed his heart, they went out of their way to make sure they knew how much they loved him. He felt tears in his eyes and he walks down to the  kitchen. When he got there he saw everyone sitting at the table in sleepy states, he went up to everyone in turn to give them a hug and say 'I love you'. They all smiled at the young boy as he hugged them. "So Pete as you cant go on the trip today Nat phoned your school so you can stay here for the day and hang out with all of us." 

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