Undercover Part One

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*I saw this somewhere ages ago and I wanted to take a crack at it. This will be over a some chapters, let me know what you think. Oh and votes on ships: SpideyFrost or SilverSpider (Pietro x Peter, idk what their real ship name is).

Also the ships:

Bruce x Thor

Idk if I'll change these or add more. Anyway hope you enjoy.*

Natasha's POV

Fury has definitely gone crazy. He will go to any lengths to catch Spiderman. He's sent agents after agents after him but never got anywhere. But now he has a plan because he's called all of the team to the meeting room.

"Hello, I have a plan and all of you will listen -yes, that includes you Clint!- because this affects all of you!" Fury leans down onto the table, a power move. I have my feet up on the table, I can see Steve itching to tell me to stop but everyone is pleading with their eyes for him to stay quiet. Clint is sitting on my right and he's platting small plats into my hair, thinking I don't notice.

"You may know that as Thor argued for so long and hard for us to pardon Loki, we came up with a alternative solution. Loki goes to a school as he is technically a teenager, so we sent him there to try and be a normal kid-"

"What's this got to do with us?" Sam but in,

"- I was just getting to that birdbrain!" Nick glares at Sam, I smirk. "As you know I have been hunting Spiderman for a while now. But upon studying his timings and where he always seems to disappear, I have come to the conclusion. Spiderman is still in school. High school in fact. We have pinned it down to one school, and lucky enough for us Loki goes to the same school. We have got him to agree to turn all of you into teenagers everyday until we have Spiderman's identity." Fury raises an eyebrow at all of us.

I look round the room, most of us are stumped, I can see Bucky looking at his metal arm. I know he's worrying about kids making fun of him for it. I feel Clint start platting another plat into my hair, but I know he's also a little bit nervous. I think only few of us have gone to a normal high school. I do admit I'm a little nervous.

"Okay, but when do we start." I say, trying to act cool.

"Monday." Fury stands up straight, "It gives you enough time to get all the supplies you will need. That includes new clothes. This weekend please spend all of it preparing for the mission. I also suggest you all study, this is a STEM school." He pointedly looks at Clint and Sam, both (unsurprisingly) didn't notice. When Fury walks out, I take my feet of the table, I could see Steve let out a breath he must have been holding, "So who wants to go shopping?"

I heard some groan's but everyone stood up. But as we are celebrities it's hard to go anywhere and not be followed by the paparazzi. So, we all sat down in the living room with phones, IPad's and computers to do some online shopping.

I look at the clothes first. Mostly stuff for teenage 'girls' are crop tops and short skirts. So, I put a few of the more decent options and move onto the 'boys' section. I pick a few shirts, a belt, and a pair of jeans which will be a little oversized. Then I go look at school supply's. I pick a dark grey backpack and black back to school kit full of all the supplies I would need.

Clint's POV

I was sitting shoulder to shoulder with Natasha. I look over at her screen. I can see on her face she's annoyed with lack of full-length shirts and stuff so I quickly add some hoddies that I like but know she would love to my basket.
I do admit I have a small crush on my best friend. But I know nothing will happen because we are best friend's, and she will never look at me like that. But I still love our friendship more than anything in the world. I look to the plats in her hair, they are messy, and I know if anyone else were to do that type of thing they would have a blackeye. I smile, I'm so lucky I can say Natasha trusts me. I notice I've been looking at her a little longer than what's considered normal. I quickly turn back to my screen and pick out a backpack. It's dark grey.

---On Sunday---

We are all sitting together eating the bacon and eggs Bucky made. Then Loki walks in wearing a jumper I didn't think I would ever see him wearing, it reads: 'I ♥️ Ironman'. He notices me snickering and sighs, "It's my friends jumper. He loves the big idiot."

I raise an eyebrow, "A friend huh?"
"Oh my god, yes a friend. I was cold and he gave it to me." Loki grabs a plate of food and sits down. "Also, I think that today you guys should be teens today, kinda like a trial run." Everyone nods.

After breakfast we all lined up and one by one Loki changed us into teenagers. We sat down at the table and started to discus the 'important' stuff about tomorrow. "I go as Loki at school saying my parents were hippys and loved the myths about the god of mischief. But this schools smart. If a buff, blonde walks in saying his name's Thor then people are going to get suspicious." Loki said, leaning his elbows on the table.

"We could call him 'T' or 'TT' or something as a nickname. Maybe call him Theo or Ted." Bruce said. Thor nods.

"Soooo Loki... what 'clicks' would we fit into at Midtown." I asked, leaning my head on Nat's shoulder.

"Bruce and tin-can – geeks
Steve, Thor, Bucky, maybe Sam – jocks
Pietro – sporty
Wanda – popular girl
Natasha and Clint...don't really fit into any of them, they are sporty, Natasha's scarier than all the jocks, they both smart and they could both be popular." Loki fiddles with his nails. "Anyway, I think you guys should get changed into some of your new clothes and pack your things as all of you will be getting up earlier plus, we're all going to have to force Tony to actually sleep tonight. I however am going to meet Peter for lunch, I'll give him a heads up that you guys will be hanging with us tomorrow. Cya," Loki walked back to his room to get dressed I'm assuming.

Loki's POV

I walk to meet up with Peter at Delmar'. I know he's Spiderman. And I know that the avengers are only coming to my school because they want to catch him. I mean I had to say yes! if I didn't it would have looked more suspicious. And I can't even tell Pete because I know he's bad at keeping secrets.

The little bell tinkers as I swing the door open. "Heya Pete!" I wave over to the small head of brown curls peeking over the top of small wooden booth in the corner.

"Hi Lokes!"

I sit down and he's already got my favourite sandwich laying in front of my seat. I smile and sit down. "So my outside school friends -you know the ones I always complain about- well their coming to Midtown High for a little while. I'm not sure how long, but they were wondering if they could hang with us until they fit in more..."

His smile grew, "Of course!" then his smile falls slightly, "What if they don't like me, I mean they like you and they'll probably think that you made a wrong friend-"

"Peter!" I cut in, he looks up at me, "You are way better then all of them put together. To be honest I don't like most of them. And they are 100% going to like you, okay well maybe Sam will take a while to win over but I swear he doesn't like anyone except Bucky." I smile as he laughs, "Oh and a heads up, they all have sort of weird names too. A lot of the parents we're kinda weird."
He nods.

I'm not looking forward to Monday.

Peter's POV

I'm looking forward to Monday! 

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