July 14 (1:12)

46 6 5

"Can we talk?"






"Wow who put water in your breakfast?"


"Come on, Jay."

"OK you have 30 seconds. go."

"What have you been watching lately?

"Not your shows."

"You know that's not insulting me, right?"

"That was  ten seconds."

"Come on, Jay, stop this. Tell me where you are and come home."



"Wow, you really are copying from that show. Dad voice and all. Nice job remembering my name, though. I honestly expected you to call me Henrold. Harold. Whatever."

"Jason, why do you think I would forget your name?"


"No, we're talking now. I want you to tell me the truth now. Not a cheesy one-liner you picked up from some Nickolodian show."

"Like the one you were a-"

"Stop. This is not about my acting career. Please don't waste my time-"

"You consider talking to me for the first time in two days wasting your time. Oh right, who's keeping track anyway? It's not like you noticed I was gone."

"And you're going to tell me you notice when I'm gone?"

"I notice when you're here."

"I'm scared about you."

"Listen, I'm eighteen. I'm finally my own person. Well, I technically always was..."

"Jason, you feel like I'm absent from your life?"

"It's not about how I feel. It's just - when's the last time you've even given me any attention?"

"Do you want attention? You always did, you know that?"

"Insulting much?"

"I- I'm sorry. Listen, I hear you. I do. I'm busy. I get that."

"You said the word I like ten times in the past minute. Do you even know my name?"

"I'm sorry, Jason. But this is crazy."

"Did you just fuc-"

"Calm down. Calm down now. I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry a hundred times."

"Yeah yeah."

"We should talk about this."


"But where are you now?"


"Please talk to me. If you want to work anything out."

"I'm on the bus...on the way to Seattle."

"What?! What's there?"

"It's...I'm visiting someone special."

"A girl?"

"A- what? Why would you think it's a- where did you even- no. What girl? Why girl?"

"Jason, you have to come home."

"I will."



"That was easier than I thought it would be."

"After I meet her."

"I'm worried for you to be you alone."

"It-*scoff*-thats awesome. Thanks dad. I feel like I'm ten."

"You know very well why I'm worried."


"Come on."

"Being schizophrenic doesn't make me stuck at age ten forever."

"When did the meds need a refill? I feel like it was months ago. Wait."


"May thirteen. Please tell me Larry picked up the next refill for you."

"That...that was months ago. I don't know. I don't remember."

"You remember if you've been off your meds since May!"

"Well...things become routine, so no..."


"Wow, keep it chill."

"I will not- Jason, how could you, do you know how dangerous this is?"

"I'm not. Ten. I'm big now."

"That doesn't matter! Did anything happen on- what was it? May thirteenth? Any fights in school? Anything weird?"

"No! I'm fine- I don't need meds anymore!"

"Yes, you do. Think. What happened that day? What happened bad?"

"Nothing bad. It was a good day!"

"Nothing happened?!"

"I just got a random call who turned out to be super cute! That's it!"

"Jason please please don't tell me that this is the same girl you're on your way to meet right now."




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