June 31

48 5 2

"Hey, Shell."

"Hi! I tried to call you yesterday but it didn't go through....And since that never happened before, you obviously ignored your phone. I'm not about to say virtual arm cross, but virtual arm cross."

"Dude, keep you promises!"


"Haha just kidding. Sorry about yesterday, I got...busy."

"Somehow, I can't imagine you busy with anything. Are you, what, a highschool dropout who plays video games the whole day and flirts with random girls he's never met?"


"Catch your breath."

"Whatever you say, M'Lady. You know what I like about you?"

"...Wow, that sounded awkward-"

"That you always think you're right."

"Seriously? How is that possibly new to you?"

"Dude. Just hear me out."


"You overthink, right?

"Yeah...usually. Except when I talk to you."

"..Okay. So you think that since you think about things a lot and come to all kinds of conclusions, they're unquestionably right."


"Yes. You came to all of the conclusions after a lot of questioning but once you have them, you think you have the devine right to keep them."

"Who brought devine rights into this?"

"You're mad at God?"

"You believe in him?"

"First you answer your question. It's only polite."

"First you tell me why you called yesterday just to ask me how my petty friend fight was. And anyway, I can't go into God unless it's like at least two in the morning and I'm drunk on sugar and in a deep DMC mood."

"That...was a lot to process."

"Go. Should I meet you at the next port with your answer?"

"Haha, you will never beat me to a port."

"I live on a port."

"Really? Which one?"

"You answer my question, I answer yours."

"Fair enough. I was just..."


"Never mind, this is awkward."


"Okay, okay, fine. What, am I not allowed to be worried about you? I wanted to know how it ended!"


"...With your friend."


"Is it illegal?!"

"That's really sweet."

"No please don't go all  Disney Teen Channel on me."

"We would hear the boo's by now."






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