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A look of pure agony was pasted over Myrtle's face. Her mouth opened wide as if she was attempting to scream.

She couldn't, of course, because of the silencing charm the group's leader had cast.

Tears were streaming down her pale face. She suddenly dropped down, writhing on the ground. I covered my mouth with my hand, about to cry myself.

I had to do something. Anything.

I couldn't speak again, they were already too suspicious.

'Alright Evelyn, she's suffering. You can do a non-verbal spell. How hard can it be'


'Finite Incantatem. Finite Incantatem. Finite Incantatem. Finite Incantatem. Finite Incantatem. Finite Incantatem. Finite Incantatem.'

I repeated the spell over and over in my head. It was obviously not working, because Myrtle was still on the ground, obviously in pain. I gritted my teeth - I couldn't do the spell non-verbally, so I'd have to whisper it and risk being found, possibly with a fate worse than hers.

"Finite Incantatem." I murmured under my breath, pointing my wand at Myrtle under my cloak.

Myrtle stopped writhing and went limp.

Malfoy's smirk disappeared. He looked around wildly. "There is an intruder in our midst. Find them!" He said, addressing the group. I only hoped my disillusionment charm would work long enough.

"Homenum Revelio." Came out of the leader's mouth.

I felt a heavy sensation come over me. Shit.

The leader of the group, looking unaffected by the commotion, finally turned back. My heart dropped. It was the boy I'd had a severe crush on for five years. It was the boy I'd daydreamed about. It was the boy the teachers loved, the students praised, and his friends worshipped.

Tom Riddle.

Of course it was him. How could I have been so stupid? He would let another torture an innocent girl. He actually had the ability to stop him, but he allowed it!

By now, his followers had dispersed through Hogsmeade, looking for me.

Riddle started glancing around himself, not even bothering to look for me like the others. Malfoy came up to him, careful to keep his distance.

"My Lord -"

Wait - Lord?

Riddle only looked at him.

"My Lord, the Knights are looking for the sabotager. They will find him and he will be punished... What should I do with the girl?"

"Erase her memory, of course." Riddle said smoothly.

"Yes, of course, my Lord."

Malfoy scurried off, not looking as powerful as he once had. Myrtle was safe. She was one less thing I had to worry about. I sighed in relief.


Riddle whipped around. He had heard it. He started walking towards my general area. 'I'm screwed' I thought. Once again, I held my breath in anticipation.

He was almost at my hiding spot. Inches away.

He paused for a moment.

'I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm bloody dead.' I kept thinking.

"Whoever you are, show yourself," He suddenly stated. "You may be shown mercy if you do. " I stayed silent, knowing I was safer hiding.

Everything was quiet.

"Alright then. I will gather my followers and we will leave. If you are to even breathe one word of the events that took place today, I can assure you, your fate will be even worse than the Warren girl. You have been warned."

When he finished his speech, Malfoy, who was lingering in the background, ran up to him.

"My Lord, it has been done."

"Good. Gather the Knights, we are leaving."

"But, my Lord, the intruder?"

"It has been dealt with."

Riddle turned on his heel and left the snowy alley, with Malfoy pursuing him. After a few minutes, I peered around me. They were gone. They were actually gone.


𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now