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He knew that I knew about everything. There weren't any other explanations. He wasn't even trying to be polite.

"Yeah... no."

I turned on my heel and began to leave, annoyed about everything.

In the back of my head, I knew I couldn't, but being a coward wasn't an option. I suddenly thought of something.

"I'll stay," I said, "willingly," I added.

"Then do so," Riddle said, not taking his eyes off the wall.

"Only if -"

"- There will be no conditions."

"- If... you show me that book you were holding."

I knew I was risking everything.



"You... saw it?"

"I did."

"Fine. I will show you the title, but that's all."

I huffed.

"Do we have an understanding?" Riddle asked, knowing my answer.

"I'm going to find out what's inside your precious book," I warned. "- But fine, show me." Riddle raised an eyebrow. "Please?"

"I think you're confused. First, you need to show some more manners when you're around me, and second, I'll need a favour in return for the title of the book."

"Come on!"


"Like you have any... " I muttered.

I continued, louder this time. "Fine. What do you want?"

"That'll remain to be seen. A favour, then?"



He reached into the book bag slung on his shoulder, and dug around for a moment. Sighing, he pulled out his wand. Voldemort's wand.


I heard clattering from the inside of the bag. Finally!

Riddle snatched the book from midair, hiding the title.

"Well? Show me."

"How can I be sure that you will do me a favour. Anything I ask for.

"Well... unless we make an unbreakable vow, which you obviously won't do, you'll just have to take my w-" I paused. Riddle looked dead serious.


"You're not serious... are you? I could die."

"Then don't break it."

"Okay then, what if you ask me to Avada Kedavra myself? I die either-bloody-way!"

"I won't, if that comforts you."

"How are you so calm, you effing dung-brain!"

"Is that all you can call me, Granger? A dung-brain? Really?"

"Shut up." I mumbled, finally calming down. 'Stupid Riddle...' I really should've been sorted into any house except for Hufflepuff.

I couldn't deal with Riddle anymore - at least not then.

"Fine. If you're not gonna show me your book, I'm leaving. You better not stop me or threaten me and whatnot or I will hex your ugly arse off," I warned, hoping to sound frightening.

Riddle stopped trailing his fingers on the door that was slowly forming.

He took a step towards me.

Then another.

"Are you... threatening me?"

"Am I?"

"You're awfully brave for a Hufflepuff. I suppose you should have been sorted with the other... Gryffindor imbeciles -"

"- Hey!"

"- I need you to shut up for a moment, girl. Simple, isn't it?"

Annoyed, I stuck out my tongue at him.

Riddle, smirking, with his eyes darker than ever, turned around to face the wall again.

I was furious at myself. Why did I let this narcissistic psychopath control me?

'Probably because you don't wanna die...' Said a tiny voice in the back of my head. 'Shut up,' I responded, denying the truth.

Stupid Riddle.

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now