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I didn't say anything.

He looked into my eyes for a moment, as if he was trying to intimidate me. It was working.

Then, Riddle glanced at my wrist, which I hadn't even noticed he was still holding. It looked ghostly pale, and I considered it worrisome that I couldn't feel it anymore.

He suddenly dropped it, as well as my wand, which he had somehow taken from me, and sneered in disgust.

"Pick up your wand," He directed, daring me not to do as he said.

I let my now severely tingling right arm loosely hang beside me, and I bent to pick it up with my other arm. I stayed like that for a moment, clinging on to the tiniest sliver of hope that Riddle would leave me alone.

"Get. Up."

I grudgingly but quickly stood up straight.

'Any last words, you stupid little bitch?'  I thought.

"You can forget about the book, by the way. Even if you're still intact by the end of this, which I doubt, you will never be getting it."

I stayed silent.

"Cat's got the Mudblood's tongue? Interesting. Get your wand out."

I did what he asked, for once, not arguing.

"First, you bow."

Wait... me?

"I'm waiting."

I broke, not being able to hold back my tongue any longer. "Maybe... you should practise what you preach, Riddle," I answered. "You bow."

"Don't... tell me what to do," Riddle said with gritted teeth.

"You can't make me duel with you."



I flipped him off, and watched him get even madder, if that was even possible by now.

"Stup -"

"- Protego!"

By defending myself, I was now officially duelling with one of the most powerful wizards in this school. Shit.

I held my wand in front of me, which had a translucent blue shield erupting from one end that was surrounding me, trying to hold back the multiple non-verbal curses Riddle was throwing my way every few seconds.

Slowly, my feet were sliding back on the marble floor as I tried to stay put.

At this point, I completely regretted boasting about my DADA skills.

They really weren't that good.

Riddle was winning - it was obvious.

I could feel beads of sweat dripping down my face, as I attempted to concentrate on maintaining the shield charm.


Riddle was aiming spells I'd never even heard of at me. He must've invented them, or they could've been really advanced dark magic, like the Horcrux.

"Levicollum!" He yelled.

I felt an upwards pull on my neck, and gasped when I saw the weakening shield charm. Instead of a powerful bright aura surrounding me, there was a translucent blue surface in front of me, like it was daring me to drop my focus for even a second.

I knew I couldn't hold the charm any longer.

"Finite Incantatem," I muttered, ending mine and Riddle's spells.

I felt myself collapse on the ground, being rubbish at magic compared to Riddle.

Maybe what he said about Muggleborns had some sort of truth, although Penny, who was Pureblood, was somehow even worse than me at absolutely everything.

Riddle paused.

"Giving up so soon? I expected more from you, Granger. Pathetic."

I didn't bother answering. Riddle pointing his wand at me again. Preparing myself for another Cruciatus Curse, I squeezed my eyes shut while hugging my knees. I really was pathetic.

Everything was quiet.

Then Riddle's voice echoed throughout the room.


I went woozy as my head slammed the ground. My eyes were struggling to stay open, but fighting against the sleep charm, presumably invented by Riddle himself, was useless.

After one final glance at the Slytherin's smirk, everything went black.

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now