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Damn you, Godelot! I slammed the book shut and ignored the wails of the face inside of it. I had jumped out of my skin the first time I opened the book, scared shitless.

'Bloody Godelot... that stupid medieval author... that ugly little arse who can't even tell me what a Horcrux is...' I thought to myself, frustrated.

Wait, that's it! I finally knew exactly what to do. 'I take that all back Godelot, you brilliant bastard!'

"Accio Horcrux books," I whispered.

Immediately, two huge books came rushing towards me. There was another one though - I could feel it. It was struggling, like something was pulling it back.

Hearing a faint sound from the other side of the Restricted Section, I snatched the books from mid-air.

There was someone else here, and I had a sneaking suspicion about who it was. I decided not to directly confront him. I stuffed the books into my bag. I'd at least attempt to sneak them by Pince. I crept towards the aisle I guessed Riddle was in. I had my wand at the ready, preparing to deflect any attacks.

I bided my time, hiding behind one of the bookcases, occasionally peering at the aisle, checking if Riddle was still there. He was holding a chunky black book, which was probably the one he had withheld from me.

Stupid Riddle.

Squinting, I attempted to read the title. It was too far, though - I really needed glasses.

I leaned towards his direction. Suddenly having to sneeze, I whispered "Silen -" Oh no. "- achoo - cio." Shit. Riddle whipped around and almost spotted me. Bloody hell.

I dove behind the wood and pressed my back against the bookshelf, trying to control my wild breathing.

If only I could apparate in Hogwarts... If only I knew how to apparate. If only it was possible to apparate there. 'Stupid Headmaster Dippet and his stupid anti-appiration spells,' I thought.

I couldn't hear Riddle anymore.

Would he have just left without confronting the person who saw him sneaking around in the restricted section?

That moment, I decided to take a risk.

Placing my hands around the edge of the bookshelf, I slowly peered into the aisle. There was absolutely no one there. There wasn't even a trace of Riddle's overfilled book-bag that had been previously hanging on a chair.

Flabbergasted, I rushed to the next aisle.

And the next.

He was gone.

I smacked my hand on my head and slid down against the wall. What book was he holding? It was probably very important to him. Why was he so intrigued with Horcruxes? I sighed.

Although I had received two very interesting books, the most important one was still with Riddle.

I grudgingly trudged back to the little area I had made for myself, expecting to leave once I saw my belongings.

The table was empty.


I wanted to scream, but Pince would probably Avada Kedavra my arse out of the library if I released anything more than whisper.

I unwillingly plastered a frown on my face.

"Today's been successful..." I whispered to myself sarcastically.

I pulled out my wand, ready to cast another disillusionment charm to get out of there. I would find the culprit eventually, and when I did, I would hex them so bad they'd be afraid to even look at me.

Eventually came sooner than I thought.

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now