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One by one, people started joining Malfoy.

Coming from all directions, a small group was formed standing around the figure on the ground. It still wasn't moving.

"This is a conspiracy! Watson, write down exactly what happens or I'll have your head." I whispered to the imaginary detective beside me.

My curiosity was bursting.

I was peering at the scene from a safe spot behind a brick building.

By now, the people had organized themselves into a rough circle.

Malfoy kneeled next to the unconscious person, or were they dead? He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wand. At that point, I was ready to jump out from my hiding spot and lead the group of scary people away.

"Rennervate." He said.

Shitshitshitshitshit. At least they weren't dead. Whatever was about to happen, it was not going to be good.

The figure started stirring and attempted to sit up, their winter hood falling down and revealing a girl with mousy hair in pigtails. Pigtails! The only girl in Hogwarts who wore her hair like that was -

"- Myrtle Warren. A third-year Ravenclaw. A sobbing mess. A Mudblood." Malfoy announced, standing up over her.

He started walking around, Myrtle looking more frightened by the minute.

"This - girl, is the worst of her kind. She has disturbed many of our meetings, by drawing attention to the locations by her insufferable wailing. She doesn't deserve to be in Ravenclaw, and she is not worthy of being in the magical community. The Knights of Walpurgis will do what the Ministry of Magic is too weak to do. Myrtle Warren, for your crimes, you are hereby sentenced to the Cruciatus Curse."

I was frozen. Surely they must've been joking, right? Yes... they were only planning to jinx her or something and run away. Right?

Suddenly, another pair of footsteps were coming my way from behind.

Disillusionment Charm, don't fail me now, I thought.

"Mepte Invisibilia" I whispered.

Moments later, the person passed me, pausing for a second in front of me. Did they know I was there? I closed my eyes and held my breath in anticipation, my heart racing.

After what seemed like hours, they finally continued on. It seemed it was yet another boy. His back was facing me, and I could see his pale hands, which were grasped behind him. He walked like a leader - more like a dictator to be honest.

The group all stood aside for him - looking down.

They bowed.

He strolled to the front of the group. The first words I heard out of his mouth came at that exact moment.

"You may proceed."

I could only watch in horror as Malfoy pointed his wand at Myrtle, who was whimpering. "No! P-please don't do this, I promise I'll n-never cry again. I promise!" She cried.

Malfoy, ignoring her, simply blinked.

For a moment, everything was quiet, except for Myrtle's silent sobs.

The leader of the group stared at her for a second and took out his wand. Without him uttering a word, Myrtle was suddenly muted. 'He can do non-verbal magic. Even better.' I thought to myself sarcastically.

Malfoy pointed his wand at her once again. I knew what was going to happen. I couldn't stop it. I could only watch, hoping for the unforgivable curse to end quickly.


𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now