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I knew it.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy? - And where in the world did you get such a powerful invisibility cloak?"

"Well, I think the real question is what are you doing here. This is a private room, and we don't take well to intruders." As he said that, the rest of Riddle's followers came from every side, surrounding us.


"You think your little band of - followers - scare me? Think again, Malfoy."

"Tsk. If you're not scared, Granger, then you're extremely foolish."

"Maybe I am. I guess it's good that I wasn't put in Ravenclaw, then. I know that you certainly don't belong there."

I heard snickers coming from a few of the "Knights".

Malfoy suddenly pulled out his wand. "Stup -"

"- Protego!" I interrupted. So he wanted to duel? Defence Against the Dark Arts was the only class I got an Outstanding in. He didn't know who he was up against.

"You don't want to do this, Malfoy. Let me go peacefully, and I won't tell anyone about tonight."

"You won't be telling anyone whether or not I let you go. Although, it's not me personally who arranged our little meeting."

I heard the door opening. In the back of my head, I knew who it was. I could hope, though... right?

Malfoy attacked again.

"Petrificus Totalus!" He shouted, pointing his wand towards me.

"Protego duo, Impedimenta!" I answered.


Looking malicious, Malfoy cast one final curse.


Suddenly, there was a snake on the ground. I was deathly afraid of snakes. Squealing, I turned around to run from it. Avery and Rosier were blocking me. Great.

I slowly turned around and faced the snake.

Where was a teacher when you needed one.

"Vipera Evanesca." Said a voice from behind me. Without turning around, I automatically knew who it was. How the bloody hell did I get myself into this situation?

"Riddle." I said without turning around - pretending to examine my wand.

"Who else? You don't seem surprised."

"Why would I be?" I said, choosing not to mention what happened last year.

"Leave." He stated, addressing the Knights of Walpurgis.

Every single one of them bowed and went to leave. I decided to test my luck and attempt to get the hell out of there with them.

I felt a hand tightly grasp my elbow.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Riddle said warningly.

I pulled back my arm and huffed. By now, most of Riddle's followers had cleared out, leaving Malfoy, Riddle himself, and me.

Malfoy started. "What should I do, my lord -"

"Oh stop it with the 'my lord' and shit. Don't be such a suck up - it's getting old." I interrupted.

Malfoy glared at me, clearly wanting to rip my tongue out.

"Leave, Malfoy. I will not repeat it again." Riddle told Malfoy, somehow remaining calm. Malfoy finally gave another bow and hastily left, closing the door behind him.

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now