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I felt something poke my back. I jumped and whipped around, ready to curse whoever dared to threaten me during my bad mood. A high-pitched squeak came out of my mouth when I saw who it was.

"Looking for something?" He said icily.

I was too terrified to say anything. It was Riddle, dangling my book bag off his ring finger, which to my surprise - actually sported an ugly-looking ring.

I was sure he had gone through it. He knew that I had found out about the Horcruxes, whatever they were.

I suddenly broke out of my trance and reached for my bag, attempting to swipe it and leave.

"You don't want to do that. We're leaving. Move." He said, his eyes looking a shade darker, glinting crimson.

"What do you mean we're leaving? I barely even know you - why would I leave with you?" I lied, my voice cracking at the end.

"I think... You do."

He jabbed his wand at my back, forcing me to go forwards. My head was spinning. There was something about the wand. The detail... The colour... The handle... There was something about it I just couldn't place my finger on.

It looked so familiar. I had seen it on someone else.

Maybe Penny? No - she had a plain dark acorn wand.

It suddenly clicked.

"Snake-man!" I exclaimed, quickly realizing that I was in the middle of a library. My hand reflexively went over my mouth, and I slowly peered around me.

There was Madam Pince, looking as she was about to rip my head off.

A few students were looking my way, obviously annoyed.

Riddle though, he had a completely different kind of anger. It was fury. His eyes were narrowed and they glinted red, and I was sure it wasn't just a trick of the light this time.

He pressed his wand into my back again, hiding it from view, and pushed me forwards.

I was pulled back into my thoughts. So the snake-man stole the wand from Riddle - or did Riddle steal it from the snake-man? Who was snakey, who called himself "Lord Voldemort". How did he even select that name? Was he given it?

If it was his birth name, no wonder he looked so evil.

Anyone with a name like that's automatically a villain, whether or not they want to be. Why did Voldemort insist on the title; "Lord" anyways? That was a way him and Riddle were similar.

What if... they were the same person?

By then, we were out of the library and back on the 7th floor, close to where I had confronted Malfoy.

Riddle finally released his grip on my arm, and went up to an empty cobblestone wall.

"Erm... So I'll be going now, if it's alright with you," I mumbled, keeping up with my ruse of forgetfulness. "Bye then!" I added.

For once, happy that he was ignoring me, I turned around and started on my way to the Hufflepuff dormitories. I had just taken my second step, when a voice rang through the corridor.

"You will leave when I tell you to."

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now