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Forsythe Lestrange wasn't who I expected. 

To every single person not in Slytherin, other than his countless admirers, he was seen as cruel and unfair. 

It wasn't like anyone had ever seen him be purposely horrible, he just had that kind of aura.

He was in Slytherin, but he wasn't particularly mean. 

In fact, after our stare-off, Lestrange snorted and broke into a grin. "Why are you so serious, Granger?"

I stared at him dumbfounded.

"Relax," He said, slumping down against one of the seats.

I took a deep breath. "Lestrange. You know where Penny is. Tell me, and I'll consider only telling Dippet about Riddle and Malfoy. I'll even spare your little friends."

He just smiled.

"I'm not surprised."

"Of course you aren't."

"You know why?"

I sighed, deciding to humor him. "Why?"

"I am currently under the Imperious curse."

I reacted too slow.

That's all.

I was frozen.

Lestrange slipped out the wand he was hiding under his Quidditch uniform. I felt my eyes watering. I felt the breeze on my freezing face.

"I wish it didn't have to end like this."

"Why?" I managed to breathe.

"You know too much. Riddle considered letting you live, you know, in case you decided to help. But after today, well..."

I was trembling.

This was serious. I was going to die.

"I'm sorry," Lestrange said, trying to hide a smile.


I closed my eyes.




"Avada Kedavra!"

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now