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Lost in my thoughts, I almost didn't hear the low rumbling coming from Riddle's direction.

My head snapped up.

The door. It was open. I made a very educated guess that it was the same place I had been tricked into going into weeks ago.

"I'm not going in there."

"You'll have to, Granger, unless you have forgotten about -"

"- The fact that you're a super powerful scary wizard. Yeah, yeah, I know."

"Do not interrupt me again. I was going to say, 'unless you have forgotten about the book.' If you haven't decided that it isn't as important to you as it once was, then come."

Riddle now sported a continuous icy glare pointed in my direction.

I stayed put. He really needed to stop telling me what to do.

"Do not make me use force."

"You think I can't beat you? I'm actually good at Defence Against the Dark Arts, believe it or not, which you're all about. You may be perfect, but I'm even better than perfect, at least in DADA."

Riddle looked furious.

There was a blur, and someone was suddenly towering over me.

With his stormy aura and crimson eyes, Riddle looked positively dangerous. He was scowling, and his fists were clenched, as if he were trying to prevent himself from strangling me.

"Control, Riddle," I said snarkily.

I really didn't belong in Hufflepuff. I'd have to consult the Sorting Hat sometime, although I'd probably end up insulting him.

"Why don't you shut your mouth, Granger?" Riddle suggested, with a scary glint in his eye.

"How about... I give you a chance. Duel with me."

I was terrified.

He would crush me in a duel. I couldn't refuse an opportunity to annoy him - more like egg him on, though. After all, words are more important than actions, aren't they?

"Wouldn't it be better if you got one of your goons to do this? After all, I wouldn't wanna hurt his majesty."

Riddle finally broke.

He clutched my wrist so hard I thought it would break. I tried to pull back my hand, already looking slightly whiter. His iron-grip only tightened, though.

I couldn't hold back the squeak that came out of my mouth.

I felt a tear drip out of my right eye. It hurt. It hurt so much.

"Move," He commanded with a clenched jaw, gritting his teeth.

My hand, which was now numb, went limp as he dragged me into the room. I stumbled behind him, accidentally releasing another small squeak when I heard the enormous doors behind me shut with a bang and lock.

Wandless and non-verbal magic, once again.

I was doomed.

'Look at what you've gotten yourself into this time, Evelyn,' I thought. 'Why the bloody hell did you think it was a good idea to annoy that madman?'

Riddle was wordlessly pulling me into another space within the first room.

Almost tripping on the ledge, I looked around myself.

We were in an enormous black room. It seemed that the ceiling was held up by marble pillars, and there was a white vein running through the middle of the floor. A few matching cushions and books were strewn around the place, looking as they were carelessly thrown away.

I felt myself being pulled once again, and I was suddenly face to face with Riddle. 

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now