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Avery looked surprised for a moment, but quickly collected himself. "Didn't I tell you to- ?"

Malfoy, who was pressing the inside of his arm into Weasley's neck, whose face was looking a few shades redder than usual, slowly looked up.

"No?" He said, visually squeezing her neck harder.

Carrot Top was being pressed into Malfoy's chest; she was now making an alarming choking noise while frantically clawing at his arm.

"Let. Her. Go."

"Oh really?"

I suddenly had an idea. Not a very good one, but an idea at the least. "Help!" I screamed, amused at the baffled expression on Blondie's face.

"Help!" I repeated.

"Anyone, h-" I felt a hand tightly clamp around my mouth, nails digging into my cheeks. I squeaked in alarm, and was met with Malfoy's now furious face directly in front of me.

"Shut. The fuck. Up."

My eyes widened when I saw the Gryffindor red-head strewn on the ground, barely breathing. "What the hell did you do?" I said, although the whole thing came out muffled.

I subtly glanced around for a teacher, but all I saw was Lestrange, Nott, Yaxley, and Mulciber stationed at each end of the corridor, probably keeping watch. Shit.

Malfoy somehow got closer to face, which was now being gripped painfully hard by my cheeks.

I probably looked like a duck.

"Little girl, did you really think you could get a teacher? Are you that naive?" He said, so close I could smell his minty breath.

How basic.

I scrunched my nose, and considered pulling away from Avery. He looked completely distracted, and had lowered his wand from my neck.

The brunette was only lightly grasping the top of my arms, with his head turned to the right, facing Yaxley and Mulciber who were having an argument which was becoming louder by the minute.

I turned back, and saw Malfoy walking back to the Weasley girl.

I was scared for her. Really scared. 'At least she's a Pureblood,' I thought. Malfoy wouldn't hurt a Pureblood whether or not they were a blood traitor... would he?

Now was my chance.

I took a short breath, and wrenched out of Avery's grasp. Penny, who must have been watching me, got the gist and kicked Rosier's shin, shoving his arm off of her.

It seemed like we were suddenly unstoppable.

I plucked my wand from Avery's robe pocket. "Stupefy!" Penny cried. "Sorry Avery," I said, watching him fumble with his wand.


Avery's eyes widened, and like an invisible force had intruded the corridor, he was rapidly hurled to a cobblestone wall.

I winced as I heard the 'Crack' of his head hitting the wall.

Avery slumped down.

I turned around to see Malfoy positively glowering at me. I was in deep shit now.

Blondie looked as if he were considered something for a moment. His expression slowly changed from simply fuming to a calm, maniacal smile spreading across his face.

What the hell had I done.

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now