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Snake-man was back.

The noseless monster who looked like he needed a serious manicure was standing in the distance - what looked like the middle of a war zone.

The air was filthy with dust and soot swirling through it.

A thick red substance was trickling down the only crumbling buildings that were still standing.

The ground, which looked like it was once littered with bodies, was covered with books. I knelt down, attempting to read the title of a particularly damaged one through the rubble.

The words were almost... blurred over.

It was as if someone had attempted to hurriedly erase them, but failed.

I stood back up, and went to a slightly less damaged book, hoping that I'd be able to find out what was going on.

I suddenly felt a frigid sensation, like being dumped into a pile of ice. It ended as quickly as it started.

I wildly turned my head around, and nearly screamed when I saw the snake-man a few centimeters away from me.

I scrambled away, not being in control of my body anymore.

Voldemort stood still, and continued staring at the spot I was in moments ago.

I stayed silent.

Snake-man turned around and looked at the dark sky once again, which now sported a smoky skull with a snake coming out of its mouth.

I needed to know something.


Voldemort turned around slowly, looking like he had just spotted me. Suddenly, his face crumbled into dust, along with the rest of him.

Petrified, I watched as the ashes morphed into an enormous funnel of black sand, picking up speed every second.

Moments later, it was right in front of me.

My eyes widened when the funnel froze in mid-air, and simply dropped, as if nothing had ever happened.

Terrified, I slowly moved my hand towards a lone grain of sand, which was now vibrating on the ground.

The moment my fingernail came in contact with it, the grain multiplied and grew taller than me.

I removed my shaking hands that were covering my eyes, and slowly looked up. There was a cloaked figure, with raggedy long nails and blue-tinted hands directly in front of me.

Not being able to control my actions, I helplessly watched as my hands reached forward and removed the figure's hood.

Grey hairs connecting to a wrinkly face were revealed. An old cross-eyed woman was blankly watching me now.

I touched her hair unwillingly.

I simply watched in fear as she sprang to life, tightly gripping my shoulders. She opened her mouth, and words, along with more smoke, came tumbling out.

"In fifty years time, the dark lord will rise to fall,

Power and greed will collect all.

Castle walls falling, his followers will flee,

When seven are united once again, doomed, all shall be."

The woman, now a rotting corpse, collapsed to the ground. Maggots and beetles were crawling through her body, which was now a skeleton.

I yelped and jumped back, pulling her skeletal arm, which was clutching my ankle, with me.

Bile was threatening to spill from my throat as I stumbled away from the disgusting body. I tripped over something and fell backwards, hitting my head against yet another book.

I reached behind my head, ready to rip it to pieces, when I spotted the title; Secrets of the Darkest Art. It looked familiar, almost like I'd seen it before.

Maybe in the library, or in a class? With a friend perhaps? I searched through my mind, knowing the answer was at the tip of my tongue.

I looked back up from the book again, annoyed.

I was suddenly face to face with my greatest fear. The snake widened its mouth until I could clearly see it's glistening fangs.

The last thing I heard was something along the lines of, "Nagini, Dinner."

Then everything went black.

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now