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Riddle put his hands behind himself, and started slowly pacing around me.

Everything was quiet.

I didn't like quiet.

"You know, it's such an honor to personally get tormented by 'my lord,'" I suddenly blurted out. Damn my sarcasm! I continued - there was no turning back now.

"How did you get all of your 'Knights' to worship you anyways? - And why the hell is Malfoy your main henchman? I literally don't get it. He's pathetic; 'My lord, oh my wonderful precious lord!'" I mocked.

Riddle froze.

"I think... you are becoming too self-assured for my tastes. What do you suggest I do about it?" He asked, smoothly.

"Erm... nothing? I'd rather go back to my dormitory in one piece thanks."

He took a step towards me.

"It's late, and I should really get going," I rambled on.

He took another step.

"Not so cocky now, are we?"

"Honestly Riddle, let's forget about this whole thing and go our separate ways. I might even be able to convince Slughorn to change our seating."

He was now inches away from me.

"I could allow that... " He said, towering over me. Riddle was a good foot taller than me. I, being the shortest sixth-year in the entirety of Hogwarts, found that intimidating.

"... But I am not one to break promises."

He pointed his wand at my chest. I was frozen in my spot.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.





At first, I felt nothing. Maybe it didn't work. Was that even possible?

In a split-second, though, everything changed.

The pain started.

My skin was peeling back.

My eyes were on fire.

Every bone in my body was snapping and crumbling.

My parents were dead.

Needles were stitching my skin together and ripping it apart.

Something was pouring out of my eyes. I could taste it.





Then it all stopped.

I heard a scream. It was the blood-curling kind. The kind where listeners could feel the suffering of the unfortunate victim. It was coming from all around me - echoing. Hurting.

The fire returned.

The scream was deafening.

I couldn't make sense what was happening anymore. There were flashes of a white-faced monster, with golden writing surrounding him, saying something like Lord Voldemort... a diary... a ring... a golden cup... a locket... a crown... a snake.

The flashes stopped.

There was a boy - baby at that. He had a lightning-shaped scar on his head.

He was crying.

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now