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My blood ran cold.

Shit. Bloody shit.

I probably shouldn't have pushed him that far. 'Now I'm going to end up like Myrtle,' I thought to myself.

I slowly stood up and went to get the ingredients. 'I might as well - he might spontaneously decide to not use an unforgivable. Who knows? Careful not to break the Ashwinder eggs, I dawdled at the ingredient cupboards.

I was terrified.

When I finally got back, Riddle slid all the ingredients to his side of the table and began the potion, not looking at the book once.

I nervously sat down and started chewing on my nails.

After around twenty minutes of just sitting still, I was finally about to burst. "Erm... Aren't you going to give me anything to do?" I blurted out.

Once again, Riddle ignored me. I was sick of it.

I slumped back down and crossed my arms - sulking. After counting almost every single cobblestone block on the wall, Slughorn finally called time.

Groaning, I sat up straight and glanced at Riddle.

He was scratching away in his journal. Once. Again. If I didn't know any better, I'd lunge at him and snatch his quill away. If I did that though, I might have signed my own death sentence, so I simply stared at the now mesmerizing tip of his quill.

Slughorn began wandering around the class, occasionally sneaking a look at some peoples' potions.

Scrunching his nose, he made his way over to our - no his - potion.

"Hello professor, I hope you've been having a pleasant day." Riddle said with a smile, looking up from his journal.

"Yes, yes, of course! Thank you for asking, Tom. I know you won't disappoint with the potion," he said, ignoring me completely.

At that exact moment, a bang came from the middle of the classroom.

When the smoke cleared, I saw Diggory covered in soot, with his hair spiky and his face looking guilty.

"Erm... Sorry about that." He said sheepishly.

After moments of silence, I heard snickering throughout the classroom. Unsurprisingly, Riddle ignored it and continued writing in his bloody journal.

"Mr. Diggory, 5 points from Hufflepuff for that... foolishness." He turned back to us.

"Alright then."

He lifted up the cauldron lid, and I was immediately overwhelmed with a strong aroma. The smells of burning candles, chocolate, and rain lured me in. I lingered next to the cauldron, yearning to drink the potion.

Suddenly, a new smell came in. I wasn't sure how to describe it. In a word, though...

... It simply smelled like - death.

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now