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Wincing, I slowly turned my head around. I looked up, towards my doom. Turned out, it wasn't my doom. It was a very annoying pest I badly wanted to squash.

"Oh, it's you. Wonderful. Hey Blondie."

"Don't call me that," Malfoy spat, gritting his teeth.

"Really! You don't like it?" I answered with an exaggerated gasp. "How's Braxi?"

Malfoy, looking like he wanted to strangle someone (probably me), scowled. I simply couldn't resist annoying him after he thought he could possibly win a duel against me. Me!

But I was getting ahead of myself.

I sighed. "What are you really doing here, Malfoy? Have you come to finish me off, or will I have the same fate as Myrtle that day in Hogsmeade? You might as well tell me - I honestly don't even know what day it is by n-"

"-That day in Hogsmeade. How did..." He trailed off.

Malfoy didn't know that I was there? That meant... Riddle didn't either. He'd be furious if he found out I knew more than he thought, and nothing good ever came from Riddle's anger. I started slowly inching away from Malfoy, which looked like he was questioning everything.

He steadily looked up, with a dangerous gleam in his eye.

"...You. It was you!"

"Er- I think I'm gonna go now," I said, backing away from him.

"No. You're not," He calmly said, smiling psychotically. "Riddle nearly killed me later that day. He thought it was 'foolish' of me to punish that- that girl in public, and I regretted everything... The dark lord will forgive me now. I'm not sure if I can say the same for you. You're dead, Granger."

Without warning, a once completely distracted Abraxas Malfoy seized my already painful wrist and started towards the middle of the room, which was a dark, empty space.

"What- the- bloody hell are- you- doing!?" I demanded, in between unsuccessful attempts of getting my hand back.

"We're going -stop struggling- to see -stop it- your favorite person."


"Let go!"

"Don't resist. You think the Cruciatus Curse is bad? Then you haven't even dreamed of what Riddle can do. Of what Riddle has done."


Finally in the heart of the room, Malfoy shoved me towards the ground. I could swear I heard a sickening "CRACK" come from my wrist.

I could only watch helplessly as Malfoy pulled out his wand.


"Intracata Mundum," He said, as he drew an 'X' almost as tall as him through the air with his wand. What was he doing...?

Suddenly, as if the fabric of time and space itself was tearing apart, the cross point of the 'X' started peeling back. A powerful wind was rushing from the rip, which now had streams of bright lights coming from it that were filling the room.

I shaded my squinting eyes by putting my forearm above my head, attempting to see what was inside of the now fully-formed opening in the air.

"Get up!" Malfoy shouted over the wind.

"Well I bloody can't - even if I wanted to," I shouted right back, clutching my wrist.

Malfoy made a sour face. I could see his silhouette through the light coming towards me. "Filthy little Mudblood. Can't even stand by yourself," He muttered, his face inches away from mine.

He huffed and grabbed my arm.

"Try not to scream," Malfoy added, pulling me up.

He started steering me toward whatever -thing- he had created. "What d'you mean by 'try not to sc-?'" - And then he pushed me into the vortex.

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now