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I snapped out of my daze as quickly as I had fallen into it.

I barely heard Slughorn dismiss us and award Slytherin 30 points. I snatched up my bag, and hurried into the hallway. Feeling dizzy and drunk-like, I stumbled into the girls' bathroom.

Where Myrtle died last year.

Hurling my bag onto the filthy ground, I dove into the closest cubicle and lurched over the toilet. Panting, I almost didn't see Myrtle behind me.

"You know... They're calling me 'Moaning Myrtle'."

"Oh, I've heard. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I've gotten used to it. What happened to you?"

"It's just a flu. Here's a fun fact;" I suddenly exclaimed, not knowing why.

"Purebloods also get colds. They get colds and they think they're superior to Muggleborns like us. Every single one of them is stupidly arrogant."

Myrtle looked surprised.

"You're a Muggleborn too?"

"Of course, what'd you expect. I don't think any pureblood in their right - or shall I say wrong - mind would vomit in this filthy lavatory. They'd be too proper and prim!"

Myrtle giggled.

"You know... I like you. Here's something I've never told anyone about the day I -" She sniffled. "- died. Moments before I left the loo, I heard something outside. There were footsteps, and a voice - kind of like a snake's, but more... human-like."

Well... that was new.

Stupefied, I stared at her for a moment. It was actually more through her.

"Oh, and one more thing," She added with her high-pitched voice.

"Right before I was - murdered" She wailed. "I collided with this boy in the corridors. He had platinum blonde hair, but I didn't get to see his face. I heard him call me a - Mudblood." She sniffled once again.

I knew she was dead but come on! Did she really have to cry this much?

Hiding a sigh with a cough, I continued listening.

"He pulled out his wand, but he had a hood over his face. Then, we heard a teacher and he left. Later that night - you know... I'd tell you more, but I really have to get going. Unless, of course, you help me get revenge on Olive Hornby. Then, I'll consider something."

She giggled once again and suddenly went through me and dove into a toilet.

I got splashed - a lot. Great.

Either way though, my retching session was worth it. I now knew that she had collided with Abraxas Malfoy on the day of her death. Malfoy. Her torturer. The Pureblood supremacist who was Riddle's henchman.

The same person who left her in the snow after Obliviating her.

I was missing something, though. Who was the killer?




Finally, it was time for the first night-patrol of the year.

"Good luck!" Penny exclaimed, sitting on her bed in the girl's dormitory. "I won't need it. I'm beautiful and confident and perfect and fabulous and bloody brilliant - nevermind you're right, I do need it." I giggled.

Stepping out of the Hufflepuff common room, I was surprised to see a figure already standing there.

"Hello!" I said brightly.

"You must be the person who's patrolling with me! It's nice to meet you," I said, walking forward, eager to meet the mystery prefect.

"I'm Evelyn Granger -"

Shit. Bloody shit. The bloodiest shit on Merlin's saggiest Y-fronts.

It was Riddle. With my luck, I should've been expecting it by now.

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now