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I was lying face-up on the marble ground. I had seen things I shouldn't have seen. Strange struggling noises were coming out of my mouth.

Liquid was continuously trickling from my eyes.

Riddle was nowhere to be found... Riddle!

I quickly sat up, ignoring the aching all over my body. "Riddle!" I screamed, my voice hoarse. "Where the bloody hell are you? If you don't come out this second I will -"

"- You will what?" Someone interrupted calmly.

"You. Used. The. Bloody. Cruciatus Curse. On. Me," I said, attempting to remain calm, knowing it was Riddle. "Does that not ring any bells in that deranged head of yours?"

"Have you not learned your lesson, Granger? I would be most delighted to continue where we left off." I stormed up to him, sick of everything. "Do it. I dare you." I said like a madwoman.

He simply ignored me.

"Fine. Give me my wand."


"Give me, my bloody wand."

"That temper of yours will get you in trouble one day. Control yourself. Are you not in - Hufflepuff?" He said, looking disgusted with the name.

Startled, I took a deep breath and looked down.

"Look, can you please give me my wand back?"

"Better, but not quite yet."

He pointed his wand at me. Thinking it was going to be another Cruciatus, I yelped. "No! Not again! I will surely go mad!"

"Relax, Granger. I am simply erasing your memory," He said. "Although you deserve much worse than that." He added.

I gave him a death glare but stopped talking.

He pointed his wand at me again - I had never noticed it before, but it was simply beautiful. It was the whitest wand I had ever seen, with a handle shaped like a bone.

"But first," He added, "Scourgify."

I was suddenly clean.

"Erm... Riddle, I don't think that's how a memory charm works. You have to say Obliviate, not Scourgify -"

"Are you really that daft?" He muttered to himself.

"I-I still remember everything. Do you want me to have nightmares for the rest of my life or can you not do a simple memory-erasing charm?" I asked.

Riddle glared at me.


I felt nothing. I decided against criticizing his magical talent again and went along with it. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to act, so I went with the safe option; I kept my face blank, and stood still.

Once it looked like he was finished with the spell, I dropped the dazed act, and wore a confused expression.

"What happ -?"

"- Stupefy!" Riddle interrupted.


I dropped to the ground, and everything went black.

𝖒𝖚𝖉𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 ~ 𝕋𝕠𝕞 ℝ𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕝𝕖Where stories live. Discover now