Chapter 25: The Aisle?

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3rd POV

For the past three months, Evan has been the one who did everything for Johnathan. Evan would wake up an hour before Johnathan, he would clean the house up a bit and then start making them breakfast. Evan would put a chair in the shower for Johnathan and wait outside the door for the water to turn off before going back in. After Johnathan woke up and before he went to bed Evan helped him get dressed. Evan and Amy even helped Johnathan try and walk again, they would spend hours a day making Johnathan get up. They got him to stand up straight for a few seconds before he fell over after the first month. Evan has been pushing Johnathan everyday to keep on trying, but Johnathan is tired. Johnathan is starting to get depress day by day, he's afriad he'll never be able to walk again. It breaks Evan's heart hearing his lover say 'I want to die' everyday but it gives Evan more of a reason to keep pushing Johnathan to get up.


It was another day. Evan was helping Johnathan walk, he kept getting closer each day to taking his first steps. He kept stumbling and falling but that's okay, Evan was there to catch him. He would get in his depress zone and tell Evan to stop trying but Evan never listened to him.

But today was different. When Evan picked him up again and carried him to his bed he kept refusing to get up. "Delirious, you need to get up." He wouldn't look at Evan, he just stared at the ground ignoring me. "Johnathan, please.. You are so close..." Evan said. He still didnt say anything. "Del, come on."

"Evan, I'm tired of this." He whispered with a tear rolling down his cheek. Evan sat down next to him and covered his face with his hands, "We need to keep trying.. one day you will walk again. Trust me."

"I'm not waiting that long.. I rather die."

Evan felt his heart crack a bit. Evan turned his body to face him, he did look done with everything. "I wanna die, Evan." He said, Evan felt tears start to form in his eyes. "Please dont say that.. Please." He said wiping Johnathan's face, "I'm sorry but I don't wanna keep doing this anymore."

Evan snapped and stood up, "No! I wanna be able to see you walking down the aisle!" Johnathan instantly looked up at him with his eyes widened. "W-What?" Johnathan stuttered. "Hold on." Was all that Evan said before walking out of the bedroom and coming back with a tiny blue box. It was the same box that Evan gave Johnathan on Christmas when he was still asleep. Evan took a deep breath and walked back over to Johnathan and got down on one knee. Tears started rolling down Johnathans cheeks, he knew what was happening.

"Johnathan Denis, will you marry me?"


Sorry for a short chapter e.o I've been getting.. really lazy.. Im sorry ;-; I think the next chapter is the last one <3 But dont worry I have two new stories for you guys c:

Im posting the last shitty short chapter later today too.

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