Chapter 17: Camping?

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Vanoss' POV


I immediately sat up in the bed, due to someone screaming my name. I looked over to my right not seeing Johnathan laying right next to me. I rubbed my eyes and looked around, I saw light coming from the hallway. Did he get a midnight snack or something? I got out of bed and slowly made my way out of the room, I heard sobbing noises coming from the bathroom. "Delirious?" I called out, but I didn't get a response. I walked over to the bathroom door and peaked in, there he was, sitting in the corner hugging his legs.  But something didn't feel right. I looked on the floor noticing a new blade covered in red. My eyes widened.

I quickly ran over to Johnathan and grabbed his wrists, he looked up at me. You could see the fear in his eyes. He had three new cuts on his arm, they all looked deep, but it didn't look like he hit a vein. "Eva-" I didn't let him finish his sentence, I just pulled him into a tight hug.

He hugged back, "I-I'm so s-sorry!" He shrilled, which made me hug him even tighter. I felt my eyes become blurry from tears. I tried to hold it in, but I just couldn't. I thought he wouldn't do this again. I'm glad he called for me, but I wish I woke up to stop him from getting out of bed in the first place.

'Stop crying with him, and instead use that strength to help him.'

I pulled back from the hug and just stared at Johnathan who kept looking down. I started wiping his tears away and he looked up at me slowly. I still had tears streaming down my face but I managed to smile. For him.

"You're the person I want to share my happy ending with. But I can't share it with you if you keep.. trying to leave," I said while pulling him on my lap, cradling him. "Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful."

"Evan.. how am I suppose to smile when I'm dying inside?" He whispered, loud enough for me to hear.

"Why did you do this? You were getting better.. what made you go back?" I asked standing up with him in my arms. He buried his face in my chest. "The voices came back.." He mumbled. I walked into the bedroom and sat him on the bed. He held his hands and stared at the ground. I took a deep breath, "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get a rag and get you a glass of water." He didn't say anything.

 I turned around and started walking out the door but I was stopped by a pair of arms hugging me from behind. I picked over my shoulder noticing Johnathan, "Please don't leave me." He slurred, as his arms released.  I turned around and took his hand in mine, "Do you wanna come with me then?" I asked. He slowly nodded and we walked out into the hallway and into the kitchen.

(Okay, I am so sorry but I got really lazy. Stab me if you want for bad writing right now.)

I grabbed a rag, putting warm water on it and took Johnathan's bloody and started cleaning it. He kept  filching but it didn't stop me from cleaning the wounds.

I bet this is only happening because we played with Marcel. Why did I say yes? I should've just said no.. Now Del is back to hurting himself. It took so long for him to get better and that made it worse again.

"Evan," Johnathan began to say, "Thank you."


Delirious' POV

Evan didn't say a word to me after what happened last night. He's been talking to Lui all day about something, and it seems to be on his mind a lot. He hasn't recorded or edited a video.

'Maybe he feels guilty?'

Why would he feel that?

'Because he found you so broken last night and he wasn't in time to save you.'

But he did save m-

'Now, John. Do you really think he'll save you? He must've just got out of bed to use the restroom and found you.'

That's not tru-

'Oh but I believe it is.'

I tried my best to not listen nor believe the voices, but they always find a way to make me believe something. Even though I do know its not true at all. The voices in my head are trying to kill me. Yeah, I'll get over it eventually even really soon but that doesn't make it hurt any less right now.

My phone started going off, I took it out of my pocket and looked at it. It was a text from Cartoons.

Cartoons: Hey bud :) You excited for this weekend?

What is he talking about?

Delirious: Why would I be excited?

Cartoons: Evan didn't tell you?

Delirious: Tell me what exactly?

Cartoons: Uhh. Us, Lui, Craig, Evan, Tyler, Marcel and Bryan, (Also known as Lui, Mini, Vanoss, Wildcat, Basically, And Terroriser. Just incase you didn't know.)Are suppose to be going camping.. Evan really didn't tell you about it?

Delirious: He didn't tell me about..

Cartoons: Him and Lui were talking about it today. I thought he would tell you. Maybe you should talk to him about it?

Delirious: Thanks for letting me know, I'm gonna talk to him right now.

Cartoon: No problem, good luck.

Camping? Tyler and Marcel are gonna be there and Evan didn't tell me about any of this?

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked to the living room where Evan was. He was sitting on the couch texting someone from his phone. Must be Lui.

"Evan." I said, he didn't look up or say anything. Really?  "Ummm. Evan?" Still no answer. Can he not hear me? "Vanoss!" I shouted. He flinched and turned around, "You scared me, what is it?" He emitted, which made me roll my eyes.  "Why didn't you tell me about us going camping this weekend, with Tyler and Marcel?" I sneered.  "Where did you get that from?" He asked standing up.

"Cartoons." I blurted out.

"I figured he would text you.." He said under his breath.

"Why didn't you tell me about it? SHouldn't I be the first one to know? Considering Tyler and Marcel are the reasons why I-" He cut me off before I could finish. "That's exactly why I didn't tell you. I'm think about either staying here or actually going. I don't want you to.." He trailed off and looked down. I knew what he meant.

"I wanna go." I soliloquized, but Evan heard me. "Delirious, do you really think it's a good idea?"

"Evan, think about it. Do you really think Marcel and Tyler would do anything while everyone else is there?  Especially if you are there."

"But what about your mask? Are you really gonna bring it with us?"

I froze, that is right. Should I bring my mask? Or leave it here? I thought about it for a moment before I made up my mind. I looked at Evan straight in the eyes and said, "I'm leaving without the mask."

He seemed speechless at my answer. But a smile appeared on his face and he looked at his phone again, "Alright, Ill tell Lui we'll be there. Go pack your things, we're leaving first thing tomorrow morning."


Camping? :o That sounds nice.

I think the song goes with the chapter e3e You can be the judge of that. ANYWAYS.

I don't know if I will be posting another chapter tomorrow. But we will see.

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