Chapter 19: The Secret Of The Sunset

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Delirious' POV

During the whole car ride to the camping grounds I just stared out the window. I felt sick to my stomach, I was so nervous, I wasn't nervous about what they would think of me. I was nervous because of Tyler and Marcel, what if they pulled something? What if they bullied me again? What if...

I shook my head and looked at Evan, He looked really focused on the road but it also looked like he had another things on his mind. I guess that's both of us.

"Hey John," Evan began to say, "Can I tell you a secret?"

"Uh, But I know all your secrets?" I said, feeling very confused. He snickered, "Okay, if you know this secret then I won't tell you."

"Wait! What if I don't know?"

God dammit Evan!

"You said you knew all my secrets." He said mocking me almost. "You fucker, tell me what it is."

He didn't say anything. He just had this grin on his face. Dick.

"Evaaaaaannnn..." I whined.

He still said nothing.

I made puppy dog eyes and frowned, "Evaaaan!"

He chuckled and looked at me, "Okay, Okay. I will tell you, when we get there, since you look so adorable right now."

"But I'm impatient!" I pouted.

"If you really wanna know, then you gotta wait." He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and looked back out the window, only to find myself smiling like an idiot.


Vanoss' POV

We followed Lui's car into a parking lot to 'Camping Park' it had millions of trails but he did say we were camping by a beach. An open area next to a forest. It sounds quiet nice if I'm honest.

"Evan, we're here." Johnathan said looking at me, "I know, you're point?"

I parked my car next to Davids and turned off the engine, looking at Johnathan. He seemed annoyed with me and I knew the reason why, which made me laugh.  Oh god, I'm awful. "You're secret?" He said quietly, waiting for me to tell him.  "I'll tell you when we get to the camping area." I said, smiling at him. "But Evan!" He squalled, I chortled at that and got out of the car.

I grabbed our bags and he grabbed the tent. I made sure to have a free hand so I can hold his as we walked to the others, who were waiting on us it seems. God, they are so fast at unpacking. "Can you two love birds like hurry up next time?" Mini said, he looked annoyed. "Yeah, yeah." I said and we all started walking to our camp area that Lui rented for the weekend. Tyler and Marcel stayed behind a bit, I glanced at them here and there and all they were doing was whispering. It made me feel uneasy but I didn't want to say anything, for Johnathan's sake.

The walk was about 20 minutes long and when we reached our spot, Johnathan once again asked me for my secret but like always, I told him I would tell him when we finished setting up camp. I'm so evil but I love his face when he pouts.

We spent most of the day setting up things, we kept failing at putting up tents, it was fun but at the end of the day everyone got tired. Lui and Marcel started making dinner while everyone was around the camp fire, everyone but Johnathan. He was on the bed sitting on a boulder staring at the sunset.

I smiled and walked over to him, he turned around when I got closer to him, I seen this.. smile on his face. It made me look down, smiling like an idiot. I sat down next to him on the rock, my fingers entangled with his. He rested his head on my shoulder. "You wanna know now?" I asked. 

"Finally, I've been waiting all day." He sighed happily. I giggled and kissed his forehead.

"My secret is, I could talk about you all day and all night and I'd still have a million more things to say. But too many words become meaningless, so I'll just leave it at you're the most wonderful person I've met, and I can't imagine not having you in my life. It took you awhile to come into my life but you were so worth the wait. I love you with all my butt."

"Butt?" He looked at me and laughed. "My butt is bigger than my heart."

"Yeah... Plus you do have a pretty nice butt." He winked, and we both laughed.

I picked up his chin and kissed him lightly on the lips. When I pulled away I just stared at him and smiled, "Your kisses are like drugs to me."

He giggled, "I got them hardcore drugs."

"Hell yeah you do, I keep coming back for more."

We both giggled and shared one last kiss before heading back to camp, where everyone was eating hot dogs. Johnathan and I sat by ourselves, not far from the fire but far enough where we could have our own little conversation. Tyler kept giving us dirty looks but I shrugged it off. Johnathan blocked the idea that Marcel and Tyler was here and he seemed less nervous than before. The guys got to see the real Johnathan and he doesn't have to worry about a thing now.

We all talked about the most randomness, share the most stupidest ghost stories, had smores. Which turned into a mini smore food fight. Lui started it by accidentally hitting me in the face with his smore, how is that an accident? Johnathan threw one at me, and started running away. Since I was faster I caught up to him and hugged him from behind, picking him up and swinging him around. Until I tripped on my own feet, causing me to fall backwards and him landing on top of me. He laughed at my clumsiness and sat on my stomach, keeping me pinned down. I stared at him, admiring the view. The stars in the night sky, the waves crashing onto the shore. The moment was perfect. "Evan.." Johnathan spoke quietly, "Yes, John?"

"I love you."

I propped myself up with my elbows and kissed his cheek, "I love you too."


Awwww... o:

Just a cute moment at the end<3 Smore fights breh ~

-goes back to the darkness-

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