Chapter 20: Hide Or Die

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Had to use nightcore because it was louder Dx And the music video is creepy.

Delirious' POV  (Also the chapter where I got lazy, so get ready for bad writing. This chapter turned out horrible.)

I woke up in Evan's arms, he was still asleep. Cute. I got out of his grip and crawled out of the tent. Everyone was still asleep from the looks of it, their tents were closed and no one was up. What am I gonna do until they get up?

'Go for a walk maybe or drown yourself in the ocean?'

A walk sounds nice. I changed into my cloths for the day and kissed Evan's cheek before heading out. I took a path that lead to the woods. I couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching me, and following me. But each time I turned around, no one was there.

I was a distance away from the camp, I wonder if anyone is awake by now. "Should I make my way back?" I said out loud. 

"No, I don't think you should." A voice said from behind me. I turned around only to find Tyler, he had a pistol in his hand. I started backing up slowly, "What do you want Tyler?"

"Wanna play Hide or Die?" He laughed insanely.  "Whaa-" He cut me off. "Time to play our little game, If I find you then it's fate, dear."

My eye's widen and I turned around, making a run for it. "If you head to camp, you're dead, Delirious."

'You better keep running because its not his job to kill you, its mine.'

"And now I can hear you breathing, And now I can smell your fear." You could hear Tyler singing.

I kept running further and further away from camp, I need to make my way close to it or something.

"Always longing for your touches, Always dreaming of your hair."

I kept running into tree's.

"Once I have you in my clutches, That's when we'll play truth or dare."

I kept tripping over my own feet.

"Ready or not, I'm coming. Pray to your god, I'm coming. Hide your soul."

Evan. Save me.

~ (booooo. that sucked. shut up i know)

Vanoss' POV 

I was woken up by people shouting, "Delirious? Wildcat?" I looked around the tent not finding Johnathan. I put on my clothes as quick as I I could and crawled out of the tent. Only to find everyone awake looking around for someone.

"Evan, you're awake. Have you seen Delirious and Wildcat?" Cartoons said walking up to me with a worry face. "N-No. I don't. What's going on?" I asked looking at everyone. Lui looked worried as ever, Mini, Terroriser and Nogla kept calling out their names, Marcel kept looking at the ground like he knew where they went. Cartoon caught my gaze at Marcel and looked back at me, "Do you think he knows where they're at?" He whispered so no one could hear but me. "Only one way to find out." I said and walked over to Marcel. When he noticed me he looked up and backed up a bit, "You shared a tent with Wildcat, where did he go?" I asked, crossing my arms. Everyone had their eyes on us.  "I don't kno- I don't know what you're talking about." He said looking away.  "Lair." Cartoons said balling up his fists.  "Marcel, tell me where they went." I said, getting angry. I fucking can't believe this.

Marcel didn't say anything which made me snap.

"Do you realize what you both did to him? Did Tyler tell you everything?! Did he tell you that Delirious has been self harming for the longest time because you both bullied him?" I was shouting, Marcel looked at me with tears forming in his eyes. Good because I don't want to be the only one crying right now, "Do you know how many times I walked in on him cutting him wrist? Do you know how many nights I've stayed up crying myself to sleep because the love of my life wants to die? All because of you guys. Do you know how hard I tried making him happy?" I was in tears at this point, my voice cracking, "You have no idea what he's been through, and what I've been doing to make sure he doesn't feel worthless again. I made a promise to him that I would protect him, now you tell me where he is, right now."

"Tyler followed him into the forest.. I told him not to go, because I was over it. But.. he's gone insane.." Marcel said wiping his face.

I looked at Cartoons, "Lets go. The rest of you stay here, just in case they come back."  Cartoons and I started walking off but Marcel grabbed my arm, "Let me come with.." He blundered, I looked at him and nodded. The three of us ran off in the forest.

Johnathan, I'm coming.


Delirious' POV

"Delirious, there is no escape from me." I heard Tyler shout, I was far away from him. I kept running. I looked behind me to see if he was close or far away but I didn't see him, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into a figure. I had enough momentum to knock us both down. I closed my eyes in fear and shouted, "Please! Tyler! Don't hurt me, I beg you!" I heard screaming and someone was shaking me but my own thoughts and my sobbing noises blocked it out.  I felt a pair of lips smash into mine, I was about to push them away but, I recognized these lips. They were Evans.

I quickly pulled away and opened my eyes and saw Evan, right in front of me. I felt tears of joy in my eyes and I hugged him tightly. "Del, are you okay?" I heard Cartoons voice running up to us, I noticed Marcel but I blocked him out. I stood up in Evan's arms and we walked over to them, "Ye-Yes I'm fine. But we need to leave now." I gibbered, but it was too late.

"You aren't going anywhere." We heard a voice from behind, It was Tyler's voice. I gulped and turned around, he was a few feet away from us, but you could still see how insane he really was.

"Tyler don't do this." Marcel said. Tyler laughed, "Oh please, this was your plan, Remember?"

"It was, but I don't care about them anymore." Marcel sighed.

"You don't care but I do. If I can't have Delirious, he can't either."  Tyler said swinging his gun around, not really aiming at anyone.  Evan started walking towards Tyler, "Tyler, we can talk this out. Please lower the gun." Tyler laughed at him and pulled up his gun, aiming between me and Evan and pulled the trigger.




Shit e3e

-runs away so I don't get stabbed-

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