A.. Sequel...?

3.9K 110 18

Not right now though! I have so many stories I'm working on before I even get to that Sequel. I figured to write one because for my first two fan fictions that I've written alone, I wanted to write a Sequel for both of them.

I've gotten better at my writing skillz :D

One day I'm going through this story (And another) and rewriting the chapters, because lets be honest, they are pretty shitty.

So, as a treat for you guys.

I'll be writing a Sequel. As a thank you for the support I've gotten with this story. The 'Horrible News' part, meant so much to me, reading the comments. So thank you guys for everything.

Also, thank you for making this story the top one in the H2OVanoss section O_O

43.1k views & 1.5 votes???? WHOA! Thats.... whoa. But surprisingly, my other H2OVanoss story is catching up to it. Huehuehue.

Anyways! I'll let you all know when the Sequel is out <3

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