Chapter 5: Evan?

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Delirious' POV

I opened my eyes and looked around, I was on the bathroom floor. Did I really fall asleep here? I looked at the floor, I seen a bloodily blade with blood was smeared on the ground and on my arms. How much damage did I do to myself last night? It looks like I just killed someone. I stood up slowly and looked in the mirror, I stared at myself for a few minutes and sighed, I should wash up. 

I walked out of the bathroom and looked at the time, '6:34am' I'm up this early? Whatever I guess. I grabbed some clean clothes and walked back in the bathroom to shower.

~Skip Time~

I turned off the shower, dried myself off and changed in my clean clothes. I looked at my arms, cuts were everywhere, I went to far but I couldn't stop. I sighed and looked at the blood on the floor, I'll clean that mess later. I walked out of the room and walked in the living room, I found my mask and grabbed it putting it on. I looked around for my phone, where did I put it? 

I found it on my desk chair, I picked it up noticing I had notifications from twitter, tests and missed calls from Evan. I ignored the the notifications from twitter and opened up my messages.

'Please don't do anything stupid. I beg you.' Too late.

'Johnathan, please text me back.' Too late for that too.

'Dude this isn't funny.' Who said it was?

'Please tell me if you're okay, at least give me that!' I would be lying though.

'I'm coming over!' Wait what?

I heard a knock at my door, who would be here this early in the morning? I walked over to my front door and opened it, I didn't see who it was, all I seen was a man figure hug me to death. 

He pulled away and I finally noticed who it was, Evan. "E-Evan? What are you d-doing he-here?" I stuttered. "I came to see if my best friend was okay. Now, can I please come in? Its hot as hell." I nodded and let him in, wait, oh fuck! I need my hoodie, I need to cover my arms. 

I hid my arms behind my back and walked with Evan in the living room, "Just set your things here for now, I'll go get the guest bedroom set up." He set his bags on the ground and looked at me, "Where is the bathroom?" He didn't notice but my eyes widened, "O-h. Um, Give me one second." I said and bolted in the bathroom, think fast! I layed out a towel over the bloodily mess and grabbed my blade and hid it in my pocket. I went to my room and grabbed my blue hoodie and put it on quickly while I walked back to the living room, Evan was leaning on a wall looking around.

He looked so handsome in person, wait what?

I shook off my thoughts, "Its down the wall, first door on the right. Ill get your room set up." I said and grabbed his bags. He nodded and walked past me. God, I hope he doesn't see anything. 


Another short one, I know. >.> ONE OF THESE DAYS ILL MAKE A CHAPTER LONG. Also my Math teacher wants me to do 6 tests by the end of the week o_o I JUST DID THREE YESTERDAY DOE. She cray.

Love you guys ;~; <3 

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