Chapter 3: Shipping & More Pain

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The Next Day

Delirious' POV

Today I was recording some Horror maps with Evan, Mini and Lui. Wildcat and Marcel wanted to join but Evan instantly said no. I'm glad Evan is taking a break from them with me, I really needed one.

"Okay, Delirious go in that door and I'll go in this one." Mini said while Evan and Lui were messing around, "Okay." I opened up the door and walked in, nothing happened. "I found a key!" Mini said, I walked deeper in the room and something jumped out in front of me. 

I screamed and ran out of the room. "Whoa, What happened?" Evan asked, I calmed myself down before answering, "No-Nothing." Mini started laughing, "It's okay Delirious, we'll protect you." I sighed and started walking down the hall trying to open each door, a white text on my screen kept appearing, 'This door doesn't open.' 

I found one that actually did open and called the others, "Guys this door is open!" Evan's Luigi character ran down the hall, "Alright, I'll go in with you this time." He said, even though no one could see it, I was blushing a bit. "Alright."

I walked in the room and we started looking around, there was another key on the ground. "Oh look." I said and walked up to it, I bent down and picked it up, everything in the room started shaking, I ran over to Evan screaming, "Evan hold me!" 

"Delirious behind you!" Evan shouted, I turned around and something was running at me, I screamed and closed my eyes. 

The the noises and the room stopped, and I opened my eyes finding Evan dead. Did he just sacrifice himself?

Mini and Lui came in the room,  "What happened?!" They both said. "Get the fuck out the way!" I yelled and ran out of the room. Fuck that place. 

"How did Vanoss die?" Lui asked in his kid voice, Evan came back running the hall, "I died, no big deal." He said, I was confused. "I thought I was about to die." 

"W-well uh.. I um.." He couldn't speak. What? Does a cat have his tongue or something?

"Awww! Vanoss took a bullet for Delirious!" Lui said, still in his kid voice. "Let the ship keep sailing." Mini added. 

"Shut up." Evan muttered.

"Alright, lets just finish this."  Lui said going into the next room.


After we finished the map and few others we decided to call it a day, Mini and Lui said good night and existed the call. Leaving me and Evan alone.

"I won't be going to bed any time soon so do you wanna just hang out for a bit?" Evan asked, I was about to say something but my phone went off. I looked at my phone and noticed it was twitter, "Hold on." I said as I grabbed my phone.

I had two notifications, one was from Lui, he tweeted, '@VanossGaming @H2ODelirious Evan took a bullet for his lover <3' I smiled and tweeted back, '@LuiCalibre @VanossGaming True love <3' 

"You have time to tweet, but not enough time to answer my question?" I heard Evan giggle, I looked up and seen his face, he was absolutely gorgeous. Wait what why am I thinking that? Evan is my best friend. Nothing more. My face cam was on but he couldn't see my face because of my mask.

"Yeah, I'll hang with you for a bit longer Vanoss." I said, he smiled, "GTA V then for a bit?" 

"Just let me see what this other tweet is about first." He nodded and I looked back on my phone, it was from Wildcat. Great. 

I opened it up and looked at it, '@H2ODelirious hang yourself <3 no one loves you' I rolled my eyes and looked at the comments, Marcel tweeted back, '@I_AM_WILDCAT @H2ODelirious Oh be careful Tyler! He might actually do it!' 

I stopped reading their conversation when another notification popped up, it was from Evan. '@LuiCalibre @H2ODelirious I'll do whatever it takes to keep him safe <3' I smiled at that and looked up, He was smiling as well, "You're gonna do whatever it takes huh?" I asked him, he looked at me and his cheeks grew pink. I laughed then got another notification, once again it was by Wildcat. I wish I didn't click on it.

 '@H2ODelirious @BasicallyIDoWrk Even if he does, no one would care about that gay idiot but @VanossGaming <3'

I felt my heart crack. My mind was echoing with suicide thoughts now. I can't take this anymore.

I stood up out of my seat, "Evan I gotta go." I looked at my screen, he was typing furiously. When he was done he looked at his screen, "Johnathan please don't listen to them.. Please stay." I felt my breaking heart. "I'm sorry, bye."  "Wa-" I ended the call before he could finish his sentence. 

I put my phone down, and it went off million times but I ignored it. I took off my mask and walked away from my computer and into the bathroom. I looked around for my friend, I found it just sitting in the same spot where I left it at. I took off my hoodie and threw it on the floor. I took a deep breath and grabbed the blade.

"I'm sorry."


Non of the tweets here actually happened btw >.<

I hope you liked it! <3 

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