Chapter 22: Never Pull The Plug

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(You all thought it was over? Nope, I still have a few tricks up my sleeves)

3rd POV

Once the ambulance came, they took Johnathan out of Evan's hand and laid him down on a stretcher. Tyler was put back in a police car, along with Marcel because he told the officers it was his fault that this all happened. Cartoons went back to camp, to tell everyone what just happened. Evan jumped in the back of the ambulance, never letting go of Johnathan's cold hand. He told the nurses, who were covering Johnathan's wound, what happened. He told them how much he loves Johnathan and how he wishes that it was him who got shot, not Johnathan. Evan wouldn't stop crying the whole car ride, and when they reached the hospital Evan was separated from his lover. He was forced to wait in the waiting room. He stayed there all day, he didn't get up to use the bathroom or get anything to eat. He just sat down, trying his best to stay strong.

Lui, Cartoon, Dathi, Mini and Terroriser all came to see if everything was alright, but Evan didn't know because no one came out to talk to him yet. They were still busy with Johnathan.

"You look hungry, Vanoss. Do you want me to buy you some food?" Lui asked, staring at Evan. Evan rubbed his eyes and looked down, not answering his question. Evan didn't want food, he was hungry but food wasn't on his mind. The only thing that matter to him was Johnathan.

An hour pasted, everyone left but Cartoons. He kept Evan company, he kept Evan from having mental breakdowns. Evan was telling Cartoons about how he wanted to ask Johnathan if he could move in. Johnathan didn't have a big house, but his house had a lot of memories, memories that they shared. Out of no where, a Doctor walked up to the two, Evan stood up, "How is he?" Evan asked the Doctor. 

"He's.. in pretty bad shape. He lost a lot of blood, from one bullet to the stomach. But he'll make it." Evan sighed in relief, "But," the Doctor began, "He's paralyzed from the lower half of his body.. He won't be able to walk again." Cartoons and Evan both looked at each other, in shock of what the Doctor just said. "I need to ask you both a few questions of this male-" Evan cut him off, "Johnathan, his name is.. Johnathan." The Doctor nodded and went down a row of questions.

After the questions, the Doctor said that they were going to send him to his home state and putting him in a hospital there. "Do you live with this man?" The Doctor asked Evan, Evan looked down. "I've been staying with him for awhile now.. I was going to ask him if I could move in." The Doctor nodded. The Doctor simply told Evan to go back to North Carolina, Johnathan will be at the nearest hospital in some time in the afternoon. Cartoons told Evan he would come with.

~Next Day(IM LAZY OKAY?)~

Evan pulled his car up at Alleghany Memorial Hospital with Cartoons in the passengers seat. The two males in the truck were both scared and nervous to see Johnathan. Evan and Cartoons walked in the building and went to the front desk, "I'm looking for someone who came in today, his name is Johnathan Denis." Evan said to the nurse, she checked her computer and looked back up at Evan, "Ah, the boy who is under a coma. Are you Eva-" Evan cut her off, "Yes I am and this is 'Cartoons' he's with me. What do you mean by coma?" She nodded, "The other hospital didn't tell you? He's under a coma, for who knows how long. He's in room 301, second floor." Evan nodded and they both started walking to the room. "He's.. under a coma?" Cartoon said, mostly to himself. Evan didn't say anything, he didn't even have an expression on his face. Even though he was breaking inside.

"There it is." Evan said walking up to 'Room 301'. Evan was about to open up the door, getting excited to see Johnathan but he remembered he wont be awake. Evan sighed and slowly opened the door. The warm air from inside hit the two, the room smelled like peppermint. They walked in and closed the door behind them, they stared at the bed Johnathan was laying on.  Cartoons had tears streaming down from his face, his best friend looked dead to him. He was very pale, he had wires all over him. Evan was perfectly calm on the outside, he didn't want to cry even though he was on the inside. Then they seen the machine that was keeping Johnathan alive. Evan turned to Cartoons and said, "Never tell them to pull the plug."

Minutes turned into hours, which turned into days, which turned into weeks, which turned into months.

Tyler was put in jail for five years, Marcel was only in there for one year, since he wasn't the one who pulled the trigger.

Evan came to the hospital every day, he would wake up and head there right away and leave when the doctors told him to. He also made friends with one of the nurses, Amy. She would greet him everyday when he walked through the door and hand him coffee. He told her stories of them, and how they met. All the memories they shared. Evan didn't cry during that, he just smiled like an idiot. He made a YouTube video saying he wasn't going to be making videos or uploading anything until Johnathan wakes  up, both of their fans understood. Evan would sit in Johnathan's rooms, telling him 'Good morning' - 'Good night' - 'I love you'. He would watch all of Delirious' videos, over and over again. After a month of waiting for Johnathan to wake up,  Evan asked his friends to move his things into Johnathan's house, for a surprise. Cartoons would visit three times every month, and the rest of their friends would come by once a month. It was very lonely for Evan, but he manage to keep going day by day in hopes that his other half would wake up.

But then December came. Evan started going into a war called Depression. Johnathan hadn't wake up in six to five months. His hopes for him waking up was low. Evan started taking Johnathan's old razors that he kept under the bed and started self harming, up to the point where he almost hit a vein. Lui had to stay with him for a few weeks, keeping an eye on Evan. Soon later after that, came Christmas day. Evan spent the whole day at the hospital. He even bought Johnathan a ring. Can you guess what for? Evan wanted to propose to Johnathan, it may seem fast, but he wanted to spend his whole life with him.

It was mid January, it was another day for Evan. He would get up, take a shower, get dressed and head on over to the hospital and stay there all day. He was still on the edge of Depression but he manage to keep going, for Johnathan. He thought of everything that has happened between the two, all the memories came back the sad ones and the happy ones. But Evan didn't break down, he stayed strong, like always.

But he did break down when the doctors said they wanted to pull the plug.



But the chapter is called Never Pull The Plug. I wonder whats gonna happen in the next chapter.

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