Chapter 10: Let Me Be...

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The Next Day ~

Vanoss' POV

We played some GTA V  with Dathi, Lui and Mini for a bit, we recorded in different rooms. I got the living room and Delirious got his bedroom, he had that stupid mask on. Why does he even wear that's stupid thing when he's talking to us? He's fucking beautiful and he wants to hide that? 

"Evan you there?" I heard Lui ask, I snapped out of my thoughts, "Yeah, yeah." 

"You sure because you didn't say anything for awhile?" I looked at the screen closely and noticed everyone was standing around my character. "Why are you all by me?" I asked. I heard Dathi sigh, "Because we were telling you to spawn your tank and you weren't answering us." "Oh.. Sorry."

Delirious started walking away, "BABE WHERE ARE YOU GO-" I stopped myself and covered my mouth."Did you just call him Babe?" Mini asked, Lui started cracking up. "I- uh- I.." WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY? 

I heard Delirious giggle in his room, "Vanoss, if you like me, then say you like me."  I frowned at that, but I won't want anyone else knowing. "No." I simply said. "No as in what? You won't tell him you like him or you don't like him?" Mini said. I took out a c4 and blew everyone up, not answering Mini's question. 

Dathi started raging at me, which I found funny. "Fuck you Evan!" Everyone started laughing and Dathi's character disappear, I looked at the bottom left corner, 'Dathi the Nogla has left the game'  That made everyone start laughing to death. 

Then I heard a phone go off, it wasn't mine. Then I heard Delirious say, "I'll be right back." Who would be calling him right now? Everyone knows not to bother us while we're working. 


Delirious's POV

"What Tyler?" I said into my phone, he keeps calling me. "Is Evan still with you?" What kinda question is that? "Yeah, why?"

"You need to tell him to leave. He can't always treat you like a baby."

"What do you really want Tyler?"


I frozed. "Excuse me?" 

"The reason I'm always hard on you is because I love you. I know you can be stronger, you can stick up for yourself, you can do all these things. Yet you choose not to. When I found out you were cutting because of me, I ju-" I cut him off, "Who told you that?" 


"...What else did he tell you?"

"To leave you alone."

"Well can you?"

"No." I rolled my eyes, "I don't love you Tyler, In fact I hate you. Because of you I hurt myself. Evan showed me that he truly loves me, and I'm already falling for him. So please do me a favor and stop talking to me."

"But Deliri-"

"Bye." I hanged up and turned my phone off. I leaned up against my wall and dropped my phone. Was he really hurting me out of love? Does he really love me? Why did his love have to hurt? I shook out of my thoughts and smiled, No. Evan is going to be the one who holds my heart. Even if  I have to force it in his hands.

I walked back to my computer and unmuted my mic, "I'm back guys." I sat in my seat and faced my tv, Evan was walking around my character. I smirked at my camera, even though they couldn't see it. "Baby, what are you doing?" Evan's character stopped moving, "W-what?" He said quietly.  Lui started laughing, Mini and Dathi didn't say a word, I looked at there face cams and they had blank faces. Evan on the other hand, his face was pink.

"You heard me." I said. Evan looked at his cam, you could tell he was looking at me. "So. You guys a thing now?" Mini asked, I shrugged, "I don't know. Vanoss, are we a thing?" He moved away from his camera, what is he doing now? 

I heard a knock at my door, I got up out of my seat and turned the camera to the door. They are so gonna see this. I accidentally pulled my headphones out and walked over to the door, opening it. 

There stood Evan, "Yes?" I said and crossed my arms, he looked at the ground while rubbing the back of his neck. "Jo-Johnathan. Can we be a thing?" I took off my mask and stared at him, "Of course." 

"You're falling for me?" He asked as he walked closer to me. "Yes, pretty hard too." 

"My arms are already getting ready to catch you, don't worry." I smlied, Evan grabbed me by the throat, he didn't choke me though. He just pulled me into a kiss, he kissed me so deep, I forgot whose air I was breathing.

We pulled back and gasp for air and stared at each other. He took a deep breath, "Let me be your 6pm dinner date, your all night cuddles, your 2am giggles, your 3am sleepy kisses, your 4am pillow as you sleep. Let me be your forever and always." I smiled and nodded. 

He pulled me back for another kiss but we were inurputed by Dathi screaming, "H2OVANOSS IS FOR REAL!" I put my mask on and turned around, "Don't tweet it." I said. They said all said okay and we went back to our game of GTA V for the rest of the night. 

And can I tell you something?

I couldn't stop smiling.

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