Day 24 - Christmas Eve

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Today is the day, it's finally Christmas eve. The day where every family has this big dinner with big amounts of food and different dishes, freshly made with lots of love.

But Cady Janis and Ember are just a little different. Instead of having this home made dinner with a hundred kinds of potato's and greens. This family has a hundred different types of take out.

Yes you heard that right. Janis and Cady decided on making themselves happy and stay away form the insane amount of stress. And just order take out from all over Chicago.

They have Chic Fil a, Taco Bell, Mc Donalds, Burger king, Kfc. Anything you could imagine. And Ember? Ember is more than happy with the outcome,

"KitKat, I have to admit. This is one of the best Christmas Eve meals I have ever head" Janis smiles widely, staring at their kitchen table filled with food.

"For once I agree" Cady answers, putting some fries on Ember her plate, who is now waiting impatiently.

"Mommyyyyy" She says with a sheepish grin.

"What is it Embs"

"Can we stay up and wait for Santa to bring the presents?" her sheepish grin has now changed to her iconic puppy eyes. Knowing that Cady won't be able to resist them.

"I wish we could Emby, but Santa is watching us and he will not like it if we behave naughty" The redhead explains to her daughter. Janis has just began eating her food, not wanting it to get cold.

"hmm we can watch a movie tonight hmm, maybe we get a chance to hmm hear him" the brunette suggest between chewing her food only to earn a glare form her girlfriend.

Cady just already knows that Janis doesn't understand her explanation about not being able to wait for Santa. BECAUSE THEY ARE THE SANTA.

"Well Jan. WE can't watch a movie tonight. Because SANTA has to do his work downstairs" Cady tells her girlfriend emphasizing the certain words that are supposed to explain the situation.

After a solid 30 second Janis finally realizes what her girlfriend is trying to say, causing her eyes to get wide.

"Oh yeah that's true, I'm sorry Embs. What about we go to bed early tonight so it will be tomorrow sooner and then I'm sure Santa will have brought your amazing presents" Janis explains in her most sweet way, waiting for Cady her nod of approval.

"your mamma is right. What if you just take a bath after dinner and we will help you going to bed after. Is that alright?" The redhead asks her daughter, handing her a chicken nugget.

This makes Ember smile happily and she starts munching on her nuggies. Janis is smiling as well. she is so happy that she met Cady and her beautiful daughter Ember. And just knowing that Ember loves her as well makes Janis even more happy.

She just can't wait till she will ask Cady to be her wife.

Ember knows that Janis will propose on Christmas day. And Janis couldn't be any more proud of the little girl for keeping it a secret.


The little family continues to eat for at least an hour until all of the food is gone. How they managed to get it all down is stull a mysterie to them but they did.

It was now time for Ember to get her bath. Janis ran the water while Cady helped Ember with undressing. Once the bath was ready they started to bath Ember and made sure she could be alone for some time with her dolls to play with.

While Ember spent her time in bath Cady and Janis had the opportunity to prepare the presents and all that.

"You wrapped the boxes right?" Janis asked her girlfriend and Cady nod her head.

"And you wrote the names on them and hid them" Janis nod her head as well. They then walked over to the garage to grab some small presents. Giving each other a kiss as they walked on the mistletoe that Regina had hung there a few days ago.

As they had the presents, they placed them underneath the tree. Still leaving the bigger boxes in the garage for tomorrow morning.

"It looks really pretty baby. I bet Ember will love it" Janis whispers, taking Cady her hand in her own.

"She will, I'm sure" Cady smiled back. Kissing Janis on the nose,

Once Ember was done bathing they helped her out an put the little girl in her jammies.

"Goodnight Mamma, Goodnight Mommy, I bet Santa also has really nice presents for you" Ember spoke happily which made the two moms hearts melt.

"I am sure he has even better presents for you" Cady told her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Goodnight Ember" Janis said also giving her a little kiss.

and with that Ember started to dose off. Dreaming about her many presents.



I hope you enjoy!

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