Day 4~Playing In The Snow

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It's the 4th of December. Another really cold day, another day filled with snow.

If Cady had learned one thing about snow this week, it's that she couldn't trust Lion. Janis had the worst experience with that.

But apart from the facts that her first experience with snow wasn't the best. She still really wanted to go outside. Maybe not with Lion. But with Janis for sure.

"Janjan can we PLEASE go outside" Cady begged, for about the 5th time that morning. Safe to say that she wanted to go outside more than anything.

"KitKat honey, I really want to but I'm home right now and I don't wanna crash driving in the snow" Janis said through the phone.

She went home yesterday night, just after they had brought ember to bed. Just lucky for her, it had snowed a shit ton that night, causing her to kind of be stuck at home.

"we can both walk to the park, maybe we can bring Ember and her sled. She'll enjoy it" Ember too, had not seen snow ever in her life. Of course Janis and Cady had explained how it felt and all, but she's never seen it.

"alright alright, we can meet at the park. But you have to promise me not to bring Lion. I'm not getting soaked today" Janis scoffed.

"that's what she said" Cady answered and she could just see Janis dissapointment through the phone.

"Embs better not be around"

"don't worry she isn't." Cady let out a light laugh and walked over to the kitchen to get breakfast ready for her and Ember.

"So, I'll see you at the park around 12?" The redhead suggested. Janis nod her head but soon realized that Cady couldn't see her.

"yes sounds great, don't forget to not bring Lion" the two laughed.

"I love you"

"I love you too, byebye"

Cady hung up the phone and started on breakfast. Soon enough she heard the familiar footsteps walking into the kitchen.

"goodmorning mommy" Ember walked towards Cady and gave her a hug.

"goodmorning sleepyhead"

"where's mamma" the little version of Cady asked as she looked around the house.

"she's at her house right now. We decided to go to the park later today, it's snowing so it will be a lot of fun" Cady explained. Putting some of the pancake mixture into the pan.

"IT SNOWED, I WANNA BUILD A SNOWMAN" Ember squealed, jumping around the kitchen and laughing out of happiness and excitement.

Seeing ember so happy melted Cady her heart. She never knew she could love someone as much as she loves Ember, her own daughter. It's a different kind of love, it's the motherly love everyone talks about after having a child. It's a love you can't quiet explain. And yet it makes so much sense.

Even tho it has not always been Janis her daughter. Janis feels it too. She loves Ember with her whole heart. Ember is Janis her daughter and she will always be. Cady can see the little part of Janis in her. The way she loves art, and also the way she refuses to wear any sort of dresses. Ember is a perfect mix between the two.

"mommy, can we bring my sled" Ember asks as the finish their pancakes.

"of course honey, are you almost ready to go see mamma?"


About 30 minutes later, the clock reads 12:00. Perfectly on time.

Cady is sitting on a bench while Ember is busy rolling a perfectly round snowball.

Janis is no where to been seen, well, that's what Cady thought.

Untill a freezing cold ball of snow it's the side of her arm. "GOTCHA"

Cady let's out a scream of terror as the dropping wet snow also hits her cheek. Ember quickly looks up and spots Janis.

"Momma!!" she runs over to the dark haired girl who is laughing her ass of at the sight of Cady.

"oh I'm getting you back" Cady dares and quickly scoops up a handful of snow.

"try me! It's two against one as far as I can see" Janis seases, as Ember runs towards her with a wicked smile plastered on her face.

"are we going to get mommy Embs" Janis whispers and Ember eagerly nods her head.

Ember too makes a few snowballs, stocking up for the upcoming fight. Cady knows that she's gonna lose, but she loves the sight of the people she loves the most being so happy. She can't loose moments like these.

"3...2...1... FIGHT" Cady yells and starts throwing snowballs towards the two girls. Janis is the one making snowballs and Ember is doing het best, trying to hit her mom with them.

"Come on mamma, I need more bawls. Mommy is winning, she can't win from us!!" the little girl yells while throwing more and more snow.

And then the most unexpected thing happens. Janis leans over to her daughter and whispers something in her ear. They then both grab a bit handful, no ARM full of snow. They walk over to Cady, who is way too busy making snowballs to notice. And then, dumb the big about of snow on her.

"AAAAAARRRGHHHHHHH HOLY FUCK, THAT'S SO COLD" She yells, totally forgetting that her daughter is near and just heard the f-bomb.

"SUPRISE MOMMY" Janis and Ember are still full on laughing while Cady is eagerly trying to get all of the cold white snow off her body.

"JAN baby, it's so cold" she whines as Janis sticks out her hand to help her get up.

"now you know how I felt this Tuesday, when Lion decided to let me eat shit" Janis kisses the top of Cady her cold nose.

"not. Funny" Cady taunts.

"very funny" Janis giggles, making Cady smile too.

"what do you two think of a warm mug of hot Coco at home" Cady suggested, taking both Ember and her girlfriends hand.

"ahww yes I love hot Coco. Can mamma also come"

"of course she can" Cady kisses Janis on the nose and they all walk home, EMBER sitting on the sled and Janis pulling her.

Once they get home and dry, they all sit on the couch watching some kind of movie called "The Parent Trap"

"mommy, what does 'fuck' mean" ember asks out of no where.

"you said it earlier"

Cady stares at Janis, her eyes wide and face red.

"yes Cads, what does it mean" the dark haired girl smirks and Cady has no idea what to say.


Sorry for not updating yesterday. I had a really rough day and couldn't really do anything. But here's the late update so I hope you enjoy!!!

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