Day 14~ Decorating

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It's time for decorating, at least, that's what Janis thinks. She's been staying at Cady her house for the past week and something has been bothering her.

Especially when she enters the living room and there's not a single piece of light or ornaments. It bothers Janis just the slightest.

Yeah no

It bothers her a lot and the fact that Cady hasn't even talked about decorating or anything like that.

Janis her house is all dressed up for Christmas, decorated with lights and everything red and green shiny.

So today is the day.

The day that Janis is going to ask her girlfriend.

She's going to ask her to decorate the house together, as far as Lion will let him. There might be a chance he will kill himself by eating Christmas ornaments.

It's 11am right now and the two have just woken up. Lion is also wide awake, running around the house chasing literally nothing. Lion things.

"KitKat?" The tall woman asks her girlfriend, taking Cady's hands in her own. This causes the smaller girl to get worried.

But Janis knew better than that. She decided to have a little fun with Cady and mess with her. She'll probably get killed after than but it's worth the cost.

"What's wrong Jay?" Janis tried her best to stay serious.

Maybe this is not the best since she's planning on proposing in two weeks so making Cady hate her is not that's smart.

But janis decides to just go with it.

"Well these past days I've noticed something" she starts, only making the redhead more nervous.

"What is it?"

"Like I said, I noticed something and" Janis takes a deep breath, causing the scene to get bigger.

Thanks Damian for the theatre classes.

"It's been bothering me" Cady her heart sinks.

"Is it something I did? Did I do something wrong? Am I acting plastic again. Just tell me what it is and I will change" Cady rambled with a broken face.

She couldn't think of a single thing that she would be doing wrong. Sure she hung out with Regina and Chandler more. Those two were dating now. But could that be a cause of her acting more plastic?

"Well... its not that. But the thing is..." Janis stroke her hands over Cadies.

"It's December 14th and..." Cady her face grew more and more impatient.

"It's halfway through December and there is not a single Christmas light or ornament near your house" Janis finally burst out laughing after finishing her sentence.

"I hate you" Cady let out, finally releasing her breath.

"Not my fault you haven't decorated yet" Janis winked. She then walked to the attic and brought a few boxes down.

"Since when do I own these?" The redhead asked, looking through the boxes. "Since I bought them a few weeks ago. There's lights, figures and other ornaments in here plus the tree that we bought earlier"

Cady started picking up a few of the light strings and took a better look at them.

"They do look pretty cute. Where should we hang these?" She asked. Janis walked over to the window with the doors. "This would look pretty nice" she answered.

"But how do we get there? It's so high up" that was only the first struggle of many...

But then Janis got an idea. Maybe not the smartest idea but it's definitely something.

"Baby, get on my shoulders and bring the light string with you?" Janis explained receiving wide eyes from Cady.

"Are you sure that's safe?"



Well, it went kind of okay?

The lights were perfectly placed and no one got hurt. Well not that hurt. Cady had a little bruised butt because Lion decided to jump onto Janis her legs which made her fall over.

But everything was fine and nothing really dangerous happened.

It was now time for the Christmas three. They had already put together the fake tree itself. But it was still really... naked.

"So love, I bought you red and golden ornaments which would match well with the rest of your house" Janis explained to the smaller girl who was looking around with heart eyes.

"Jayjay baby it already looks amazing. It's so cozy with these golden lights" Cady was in total awe of the room.

Janis slid her arms around Cady her waist from behind and let her head rest on her shoulder. "Just wait till the tree is decorated. It'll look just as cute as you Bambi" she whispered and kissed her on the cheek.

"So.. what do we do first" Cady asked, never in her life did she put up a Christmas tree.

"We first but on these long things and wrap them around" Janis explained as she took one of the string that were covered in red diamonds.

About an hour later almost everything thing was done except for one thing.

The star on top of the tree.

"Do you want to do it Bambi?" Janis asked, handing the golden star to her girlfriend.

"Are you sure sunflower? I read that's pretty special"

Janis nod her head, picking up Cady on her shoulders.

"It looks absolutely perfect Love" Cady sighs, staring at her house which now looks all cozy and cute.

"Just like you"

Janis then plants her lips on Cadies, kissing her passionately.

"I love you"

"I love you more"


Well I'm more than a week behind so that's great.

Sorry for not uploading that much, I've been really busy and not feeling that great so yeah....

We also have a discord server now and it's amazing so if you wanna join take a look at my message bord!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

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