Day 19~ Making Special Breakfast

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Janis still thinks back to their date night two days ago. How Cady Made this perfect three course dinner with the most amazing delicious pasta and soup.

And the best thing about it was, it didn't even have a cause. She did this because she loved Janis and she loves to surprise her.

This made Janis want to do something in return. Something to thank her. Something to show her how much she loves Cady.

And she got the perfect idea.

A special Breakfast.

Janis knows that Cady her favorite time of the day is breakfast, so she will absolutely love this.

She remembers the oranges in their fridge and the croissants dough in the freezer. If she takes that out right now, it'll be less frozen in an hour.

So she has to get out of bed right now and start preparing everything.

7am, perfect, breakfast will be done by 9am.

"Okay Janis, think. Orange juice, croissants, coffee, sandwiches, maybe cereal?" The brunette thinks while walking into their basement. She takes out the several ingredients and brings them back to the kitchen.

Like she said, while the dough unfreezes she can squeeze the oranges and prepare the sandwiches with the stuff that'll go on them.

Smart thinking Jan.

She can also make some eggs! Yes that's perfect.

Damn girl you're good at this

Well that sounds familiar.

Anyway, continuing with making breakfast. Janis has already placed the orange juice maker thingy on the counter and is now squeezing them.

Easier said than done...

Another challenge is making sure that Cady won't come walking on. It'll ruin the surprise

The juice is finally done and it's now time for rolling the croissants in their perfect shape.

Another case of easier said than done because damn these things won't stay in their place.

One is too tight the other is too loose then there's on to square and another one is too round. Almost like these things won't be okay.

"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw" Janis murmurs under her breath.

10 minutes later they are finally in their shape and ready to go into the oven.

Funny thing is, Cady won't ever let her into the kitchen because she's scared she will burn the house down. But every time that she's not near Janis manages to prepare something absolutely delicious.

While she shoves the croissants into the over she warms up a pan to make the baked eggs. Something that Cady also really loves.

And last but not least, she places every single thing perfectly in their basked or on their plate. She then puts everything in the kitchen table and takes a quick picture, sending it to Damian.

And almost as if Cady knew what was going on, she comes walking into the living room.

"It smells so nice" she smiles, looking at the table filled with food.

Janis walks over to her girlfriend, hugging her and kissing her on the lips. Cady kisses back smiling in between.

"Surprise" the brunette says, walking her over to her assigned seat. Cady sits down, taking in the sight of all the things. She can barely believe her eyes. Janis did all this just in these few hours!?

"Jayjay, you didn't have to do this" she breaths out.

"But I wanted to because you deserve this and I love you. After what you did for me earlier this week, I wanted to surprise you and show you how much you mean to me. Then I came with this idea and just had to do it" Janis explains, taking Cady her hands in her own.

Cady still can't believe it.

"I love you so much baby. Did you make all this yourself?"

"I did, there are croissants, mini sandwiches, scrambled egg, orange juice and things to put on your sandwich" she tells while pointing and the different kinds of food.

The two finally start eating and enjoying their special breakfast. Every single thing tastes absolutely amazing, plus nothing is burnt down which is a surprise to Cady.

"How is the kitchen still alive tho?" Cady asks, her mouth still full with freshly baked croissant.

"Told you I could cook, I'm good with my hands" this wasn't meant to sound wrong but it still did. Which made Cady choke on her food.

"Ways to ruin breakfast" she laughed which made Janis roll her eyes. Even at breakfast the couple can't stay serious.

"I still love you tho" Cady said, kissing Janis her hand.

"I love you too"


Really fast and boring chapter but at least it's something.


Hope you like it!

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