Day 8~ Christmas Crafts

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Tuesday December 8th, another very cold day filled with hot cocoa and tons of blankets. Ember was spending the day at a friends leaving another free day for the two moms.

The two had already planned what they would be doing today and because of that they were now preparing.

"We have the branches, the ornaments, the paint..." Janis counter pointing at the things of the big table.

"AND THE GLITTER!" Cady jumps in half throwing the cups of glitter on the table causing Janis to wince in the hope it won't spill all over

"And of course the glitter" it was unclear if the dark haired girl her voice was filled with disappointment or hesitation. Probably a combination of both.

"What about we start"

And so they did, they both took their seat and sat down
"Janjannnn how are you so good at thisssss" the strawberry blonde girl whines, letting her head fall on the table filled with glitter and branches of trees.

"What are you talking about KitKat!? Your work looks really good" Janis compliments her but it's not getting to Cady.

"No it looks like a unicorn shit on this and then vomited" This comment made Janis snort but soon she realized that it wasn't a good thing to do.

"Cads baby, you're doing absolutely amazing okay? I've been doing art for about a million years. I'm trained at this, like you're trained in math. We all got out things were really good at and maybe sometimes a little less. But as far as I know you're doing amazing" Janis walks over to Cady and gives her a kiss on the nose.

"Thank you sunflower, I love you"

Several minutes had flown by and they were now painting the Christmas balls.

Well, Janis was pairing them and Cady was attempting to paint them but kind of ends up mushing paint on the ornaments

"Is everything going alright KitKat?" Janis carefully asks, putting her tiny pencil down and looking up at her girlfriend.

"No" Cady answers with a frown. "The paint just won't go on the right places and all of the colors just melt together in a beautiful poop color" the frustration is well heard.

"Lemme see"

Janis walks over to where Cady is located, taking a look at the supposed to be reindeer on the ornament.

"It's supposed to be Rudolf" The red haired girl comments with no joy.

"It doesn't look bad at all Cads!" Janis tells the smaller girl,trying to cheer her up.

"It does, look at yours. They look like fucking Leonardo DiCaprio" this makes Janis laugh. Cady might be really smart but if it has anything to do with art or whatsoever. Cady is lost.

It's the same for Janis, she is fairly smart. Smarter than you might think but as soon as it comes to math. It's a big mess. She's lucky that she has Cady as her girlfriend who's a mastermind when it comes tak math.

And now it's Janis her time to shine, well it's kind of been the whole day for Janis to shine.

"It's Leonardo davinci honey" A small giggle escapes Cady her lips

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