Day 10~ Christmas Party

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Believe it or not, it's Thursday's and Janis and Cady have decided to hold a little get together for Ember her birthday party. At least, that's what they thought.

Of course Cady had held little get togethers before when she was still part of the plastics. But knowing this is for her daughters birthday, brought her a fair amount of stress.

"Jay baby, we really have to go to the grocery store now. The kids will be here in about 3 hours. We have to leave. Have you even made a list of the things we need yet" Cady stressed as she was pacing through the living room.

The shorter redhead usually has everything under control. But when she's coping with stress, things tend to get a little messy.

"You haven't, have you?? Oh god this is going to go so wrong. Ember her friends will be here in three hours and we haven't prepared anything yet. What's our daughter gonna think of us!?" Janis stands up, slowly walking over to her girlfriend.

"KitKat, I want you to look at me" The tall brunette grabbed Cady by the hands softly.

"Have we done this before?"

"Yes" Cady answered.

"Did we fail?" Janis asked once again looking her girlfriend in the eyes.

Getting Cady told calm down is not really that easy, knowing that her mind is a roller coaster some times and she can't really control it.

"No... we didn't fail. But!" Cady tried but she got cut off by a kiss on her lips.

The kiss wasn't long, but wasn't short either. It was simply perfect, and a good way to make The redhead shut up.

"No buts Bambi, we didn't fail last time. We won't fail this time. I have made a short list of several things we will need so it's gonna be just fine" Janis reassured Cady and together they walked out to the car.

They had decided to ride Janis her car since it was slightly bigger in the back so they would have enough space to put the grocery bags in.

"Jayjay, do you mind reading the list of stuff we need" Cady calmly asked, sitting behind the steering wheel.

Janis then grabbed her phone and openend her notes.

"So what we need is" she started as the engine began to roar.

"We need two large bags of chips. I was thinking about natural or BQ. Maybe some corn nuts it two types. Chocolate, candy, crackers are a must. And last but not least some soda" Janis finished and look back up at Cady who was now focusing on the road.

"Okay okay you did amazing baby. But I'm still missing the birthday cake" she laughed a bit before shooting a grin at her girlfriend .

"Aaannddd I forgot the birthday cake"

"And Candy canes and Christmas cookies" Cady added, a goofy grin on her face. This only caused Janis to look at her with rolling eyes.

"Next time you're making the list" Janis commented with a straight face.

"I'm proud of you baby"


An hour later the pair arrived back home. Finally having all of the candy and snacks.

Plus something they had already bought a few days ago; decoration. They had chosen the green with gold theme since Ember her favorite color was green.

They had little party hats, balloons, and the little flag things. They even had Candy Canes which were green and red.

It looked pretty cute if Janis was being honest.

Now it was time to put all of the food on the small plates and little bowls.

And not to forget, put the cake on a plate without dropping it straight in the floor.

"Jan do you think Ember will like it. What if it's... I don't know... not right for a 7 soon to be 8 year old" Cady asked, face hung low and filled with insecurities.

It broke Janis her heart to see Her girlfriend like this. Cady was supposed to be this little ray of sunshine. To be this star that shines so bright that it could make diamonds dull, so incredibly beautiful.

But now, she looks so broken. Wanting to have the perfect Christmas birthday party for her daughter.

And Janis could barely do anything about it. This wasn't for Janis to control, either Ember likes it or she didn't, Janis couldn't control that, could she?

The only thing Janis could do right now was to be there for her girlfriend and to make sure she was doing okay and they would do their best together.

Together they could make this the perfect party. And they would.

They had hung up all of the decoration, they put all of the snacks on the plates and in the bowls and the cake was perfectly placed on the table.

The kids would soon arrive at the house, including Ember.

They had about 30 minutes left so they let themselves fall down on the couch.

"Do you think Ember will like this?" Cady asked her girlfriend, lading their fingers together.

"She will love this. There's Christmas music, her favorite colors, her favorite snacks. How can she hate this?" Janis smiled, but it didn't really work. Cady her face was still filled with sadness, a cloud of gray hung before her eyes.

Then Janis realized something.

"This isn't about Ember liking the party, is it?" Suddenly Janis her voice sounded worried.
She knew something was up, but she didn't know what.

"Its just, the last time I really you know, had a party at my house. It kind of backfired. I thought it would make people like me, but it ended up in Regina hating me and..." tears were now forming in Cady her eyes. Thinking about the one night with Aaron and the plastics... and Damian and Janis.

"And you almost lost Damian and I..." Janis silently finished her sentence, knowing what she meant.

"Yeah... it was the worst night of my life. When you threw the paining at me, I realized how much of a horrible friend I had been. How much I actually cared about you. I realized that I couldn't loose you, I realized that I would t be able to live without you. That night broke my heart. I cried all night, thinking about the things I said to you and how I turned into the massive bitch. Then I drank a shit ton and Aaron came up to my room. And well suddenly Ember appeared in my body..." Cady explained, she was now full on sobbing. Tears rolling down her face and trying to catch her breath.

Janis moved closer to her girlfriend, embracing her in a tight hug.

"I promise you Bambi, this evening will be nothing like that. Ember and her friends will come over and it will be filled with laughs and giggles. I will stay at your side no matter what and we will have so much fun. I promise you" Janis explained and gave a kiss on Cady her forehead.

"I love you Bambi"

"I love you too Sunflower"


Not me realizing the main party never happened 🤫

Anyway, kind of a sad part I think?? Not really sure but I sort of like this idk

Anyway, I just posted a video of me trying to belt on my TikTok and I'm so scared lmao.
For those so wanna know, my tiktok is flooortje04

Anyway, I hope you like it!!

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